Company Catalogue
Company Catalogue by by category "Other services"
Volkswagen Slovakia, a. s.
Materials laboratory of Volkswagen Slovakia with modern technological equipment, materials testing and trials, consulting and advisory services.Top Company -
3DTEC s.r.o.
Accredited testing services for various industries, 3D measurement, 3D scanning, programming for 3D measurements. -
4GRAIN, s.r.o.
Maintenance of injection moulds, design of injection moulds, repair, unification and gloss changes of the design of moulds, chemical description of... -
Automator, s.r.o.
Machines for permanent marking, custom marking, lasers, micro punching machines, engraving machines, machines for mechanical and thermal embossing. -
DE-SK, s.r.o.
Plastic injection, production of plastic moldings, production of plastic prototypes, assembly and completion of plastic products, light glue traps. -
Ekotoxikologické Centrum Bratislava s.r.o.
Consulting and advisory services, compliance with product legislative requirements, chemical legislation REACH, CLP. -
FORMLAB s.r.o.
Prototype studio FORMLAB, production of prototypes, atypes and small series production, 3D cutting of polystyrene, vacuum forming, CNC machining of... -
Hireco Fluid s. r. o.
Machine maintenance, cleaning and filtration of oils, air and oil filters, filter units, dehydrators, operational diagnostics, laboratory equipment,... -
Production of plastic moldings, design of plastic parts, production of injection molds, plastic injection, plastic molding, tool shop. -
Innovative solutions in the field of floor markings, ergonomic mats, anti-crash barriers and other safety features designed for industrial premises,... -
Evaluation of quality and safety of products, certification of plastic products, accredited testing laboratories, consulting for chemical and rubber... -
Interimyou International s.r.o.
The largest database of experts in the automotive industry, automotive experts in the field of development and serial production. -
Konštrukcia Pittner
Construction of molds for casting plastic parts and blocks, injection molds for casting rubber parts, injection molds, molds, graphic design, product... -
myCEPPI provides a weekly price report for commodity plastics. -
Pantheon Technologies s.r.o.
The company owns a basic profile. -
Accredited certification body, product certification according to ISO / IEC 17065: 2012, testing of automotive plastic parts, testing of plastics. -
REKO PRINT, s.r.o.
Plastic marking, product marking, industrial marking, labeling lines, label applicators, laser marking. -
ROHLIG SUUS Logistics Slovakia s.r.o.
Logistics services all over the world (road transport, sea, air, rail), Supply Chain, Project cargo, Contract logistics, Customs -
SimulPlast s.r.o.
Mold design and construction, simulations, analysis, injection molding training, plastic injection seminars, plastic testing and testing. -
Accredited certification body, certification of plastic products and plastics intended for contact with drinking water, certification of plastic... -
Slovenská obchodná a priemyselná komora
SOPK - an independent representative of a market economy, which protects the interests of businesses, promotes the development and expansion of... -
Slovensko-nemecká obchodná a priemyselná komora
Support of trade and economic relations between Germany and Slovakia, consultancy for plastic and rubber production, subsidies, subsidy consultancy,... -
SOVA Digital a.s.
Complex solutions for digitization and optimization of production processes, Industry 4.0, industrial automation, software solutions. -
Top Grafit s.r.o.
Graphite electrodes for EDM, EDM coating of molds and tools, 3D models, tool shops, tool production, mold repairs. -
TOPMES s.r.o.
Products and services in the field of metrology and 3D measurement, sales and service of measuring equipment, machine repair, custom measurement,...
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