Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Low volume manufacturing of plastics items"

  • 3D Tlač - Stepanek3D

    3D Tlač - Stepanek3D

    3D scanning, 3D printing, editing of 3D models, plastic atypes, custom production, small series production, production of plastic prototypes.
    Zvolenská cesta 6888/113
    Banská Bystrica


    Extrusion and coextrusion of pipes and profiles, plastic profiles, boards, rods and others, profiles of plastics and rubber, rubbers, tubes,...
    IBC, Pobřežní 3
    Praha 8
  • ADATEX, s.r.o.

    ADATEX, s.r.o.

    3D printing, 3D printers, 3D scanners, 3D scanning and inspection, 3D digitization, 3D measurement, 3D model, 3D modeling, prototyping, simulation.
    Turecká 27/2447
    Nové Mesto nad Váhom
  • Additive Systems, s.r.o.

    Additive Systems, s.r.o.

    Additive manufacturing, 3D technologies, 3D metal printing, DESKTOP METAL and XACT MEAL 3D printers, prototyping, serial production.
    Brněnská 173
  • Anton Clemens s.r.o.

    Anton Clemens s.r.o.

    Plastic injection molding, production of injection molds, plastic products for automotive, two-component injection molding (2K).
    Milíkov 42
  • DATALAN Quality Instruments s.r.o.

    DATALAN Quality Instruments s.r.o.

    3D printing to order, industrial 3D printer, additive manufacturing, multijet fusion, HP multi jet fusion, HP Jet Fusion, mjf4200, mjf printing.
    Púchovská 8
    Bratislava - Rača
  • DE-SK, s.r.o.

    DE-SK, s.r.o.

    Plastic injection, production of plastic moldings, production of plastic prototypes, assembly and completion of plastic products, light glue traps.
    Sad SNP 8
  • Ensinger s.r.o.

    Ensinger s.r.o.

    Technical plastics, plastic semi-finished products, rods, tubes and plates, blasting and CNC machining of plastics, plastic injection, plastic...
    Průmyslová 991
  • Faktum Design s.r.o.

    Faktum Design s.r.o.

    Design proposals for mechanical engineering, electronics, development studio, development of new products, graphic design of the product, tool shop,...
    Karásek 2245/1F (objekt 24)
  • FMP a.s.

    FMP a.s.

    Injection molding, plastic products, tool shop, design and production of molds, plastic products for the automotive industry and construction, piping...
    Nový Svět 89/4
    Praha 1 – Hradčany
  • FORMLAB  s.r.o.

    FORMLAB s.r.o.

    Prototype studio FORMLAB, production of prototypes, atypes and small series production, 3D cutting of polystyrene, vacuum forming, CNC machining of...
    Štúrova 16


    Injection molding of plastics, production of plastic products, small- and large-scale production of plastics, plastic semi-finished products.
    Továrenská 1479
  • HORZ spol. s r.o.

    HORZ spol. s r.o.

    Technical plastic parts, plastic moldings, mold design and construction, mold production, plastic injection, plastic molding, plastic injection...
    Na Lučinách 541
    Proboštov u Teplic
  • Linaset a.s.

    Linaset a.s.

    Production of injection moulds for thermoplastics and thermosets, products technical moulded parts for the automotive and other industries, final...
    Československé armády 362
    Budišov nad Budišovkou
  • Lisovna plastů, spol. s r.o.

    Lisovna plastů, spol. s r.o.

    We are the suppliers of plastic parts for automotive and electrical industry. We do the production of precise plastic parts and assemblies.
    Karlov 139
    Velké Meziříči
  • MCAE Systems, s.r.o. organizačná zložka

    MCAE Systems, s.r.o. organizačná zložka

    3D digital technology, rapid prototyping, 3D modeling, 3-D digitization and measurement, CAD/CAM software.
    Štúrova 1532/92
    Dubnica nad Váhom
  • MEDAEX - PLAST - international s.r.o.

    MEDAEX - PLAST - international s.r.o.

    CNC milling and turning of plastics and aluminium, production of high-precision and high-quality plastic products and components, production of...
    Průmyslová 742/8b
  • OSMOS Plastics s. r. o.

    OSMOS Plastics s. r. o.

    Plastic injection molding, plastic moldings, material repainting, printing - TAMPOPRINT, quality control, assembly and packaging.
    Pečnianska 31
    Bratislava - mestská časť Petržalka
  • Plastimax Tech s.r.o.

    Plastimax Tech s.r.o.

    Development, production, construction of plastic parts, tools, injection molds, maintenance and repair of injection molds, CAD product design.
    Hořátev 122
  • Röchling Industrial Tábor s. r. o.

    Röchling Industrial Tábor s. r. o.

    Plastic semi-finished products, extruded and molded sheets, rods, profiles and welding wires for 3 divisions: Automotive, Medical and Industrial.
    Vožická 624
  • Trispol, Ing. František Adámek

    Trispol, Ing. František Adámek

    Production and injection molding of plastics, production of injection molds, production of tools, assembly, pad printing, warehouse management and...
    Riegrova 563
    Vrbno pod Pradědem
  • Veeser Plastic Slovakia k.s.

    Veeser Plastic Slovakia k.s.

    Plastic production for the automotive industry; plastic injection molding, plastic molding, plastic molding shop, technical plastic parts, plastic...
    Bratislavská 517