Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "HDPE - high density polyethylene"

  • Biesterfeld Interowa GmbH&Co KG

    Biesterfeld Interowa GmbH&Co KG

    Plastic granulate, PP polypropylene, construction plastics, thermoplastics, engineering plastics, standard plastics, plastics for demanding...
    Bräuhausgasse 3-5
    Top Company
  • IMCD Czech Republic s.r.o.

    IMCD Czech Republic s.r.o.

    Distribution of special chemical raw materials (plastics, additives, fillers, TiO2 ..) with pan-European activity.
    Bělohorská 39
    Praha 6
    Top Company
  • RESINEX Czech Republic s.r.o.

    RESINEX Czech Republic s.r.o.

    Thermoplastics, elastomers, additives, compounding and recycling of plastics, commodity plastics, construction plastics, bioplastics, special...
    Údolní 212/1
    Praha 4 – Braník
    Top Company
  • ALBACENTRUM, s.r.o.

    ALBACENTRUM, s.r.o.

    Recycling of plastic waste, sale of plastic crumb PP polypropylene, PE polyethylene, PP / EPDM from bumpers, HDPE from crates and transport, plastic...
    Štefánikova trieda 144
  • Avient Corporation

    Avient Corporation

    Polymeric materials, structural thermoplastics, thermoplastic elastomers TPE, color concentrates, masterbatches for plastics, flame retardants.
    Mandulafa sor 3
    Gyor, Hu
  • DOMINIK TRADE s.r.o.

    DOMINIK TRADE s.r.o.

    Plastic additives, plastic food packaging, plastics, raw materials - suppliers, sales, distribution, masterbatches for plastics, plastic granulate -...
    Obežná 3237/8
  • Ecocycle, s.r.o.

    Ecocycle, s.r.o.

    Purchase of plastic material, foils, plastic granulate and agglomerate, sale of PBT and POM regrind, plastic regrind, regranulate, regranulation.
    Soukenická 2082/7
    Praha 1
  • EU POLYMER CZ, odštěpný závod

    EU POLYMER CZ, odštěpný závod

    Plastic compounds, plastic granules, plastic granules, raw material, color concentrates, masterbatches, thermoplastics, plastic additives, dyes,...
    Nad Ryšánkou 2079/8 - Krč
    Praha 4
  • Explast, spol. s r. o.

    Explast, spol. s r. o.

    Polyethylene, polypropylene and styrene plastics, plastic granulate sales, thermoplastics, engineering plastics, technical plastics, thermoplastic...
    Průmyslová 2396
    Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav
  • GENETRIX s.r.o.

    GENETRIX s.r.o.

    Standard and technical plastics, thermoplastics, plastic granulate, plastic granules, raw material, engineering plastics, thermoplastic elastomers -...
    Lidická 445
  • GPL Europlastics spol. s r.o.

    GPL Europlastics spol. s r.o.

    Purchase of plastics, granules, regranulates, crumbs, plastic granulate, regranulate, plastic crumb, plastic crushing, thermoplastic elastomers TPE,...
    Zahradní 1299
    Lipník nad Bečvou
  • Interpolimeri s.r.o.

    Interpolimeri s.r.o.

    Supply of plastic granules such as LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE, and PP. Distribution of masterbatches, additives, and compounds.
    Gorkého 10
  • Ján Pčola FRAGOLA

    Ján Pčola FRAGOLA

    Výroba fólie LDPE a HDPE, potisk fólií, recyklace odpadní fólie, sběr a výkup odpadní fólie, balicí fólie, mikroten / sáčky, kapsy,...
    Pčolinská 1387/17


    Plastic granules LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE, PP and PVC, sale of polymers, customs clearance and import of polymers, plastics, raw material - suppliers, sale,...
    Bohunická 133/50
    Horní Heršpice - Brno
  • Nylus SK, s.r.o.

    Nylus SK, s.r.o.

    Commodity plastics, polyolefins, plastic additives, color concentrates, masterbatches, UV stabilizers for plastics, engineering, technical plastics -...
    Vodárenská 2011/38
  • Omya CZ s.r.o.

    Omya CZ s.r.o.

    Structural plastics, hot melt adhesives, industrial chemistry, polymers EMS-CHEMIE AG., Plastic additives, plastic dyes, additives, thermoplastics.
    č.p. 765
    Lipová – lázně
  • ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o.

    ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o.

    Refinery, petrochemical and agrochemical raw materials, LDPE granulate, polyethylene, PE, PP Polypropylene granulate, thermoplastics, lubricants,...
    Záluží 1
  • Plastcom, spol. s r.o.

    Plastcom, spol. s r.o.

    Complex services in research, production, recycling and application of engineering plastics for injection moulding (compounded polymers) including...
    Hattalova 4
    Bratislava - Staré Mesto
  • Plastigram Industries a.s.

    Plastigram Industries a.s.

    Recycling of plastics and beverage cartons (Tetrapak), waste processing, LDPE regranulate, HDPE regrind, aluminum powder.
    Exnárova 1a
    Praha 4
  • RADKA spol. s r.o. Pardubice

    RADKA spol. s r.o. Pardubice

    Structural and standard thermoplastics, thermoplastic elastomers - TPE, plastic additives, thermoplastics, PP Polypropylene granulate, PE...
    Na Lužci 706
    Lázně Bohdaneč
  • Remarkplast compounding a.s.

    Remarkplast compounding a.s.

    Plastic compounds, plastic compounding, regranulate, plastic regranulation, construction plastics - production and sale, engineering, technical...
    Bohuslavice 123
  • Röchling Industrial Tábor s. r. o.

    Röchling Industrial Tábor s. r. o.

    Plastic semi-finished products, extruded and molded sheets, rods, profiles and welding wires for 3 divisions: Automotive, Medical and Industrial.
    Vožická 624
  • Rommar


    The company owns a basic profile.
  • S-FIRMA, s.r.o.

    S-FIRMA, s.r.o.

    Purchase of plastics, waste management, plastic scrap, plastic crushing, plastic waste, purchase, sale, recycling of plastics, collection and...
  • SLOVNAFT, a.s.

    SLOVNAFT, a.s.

    Production and sale of petroleum products and it´s chemical processing - production and distribution of polyethylene (LDPE) and polypropylene (PP),...
    Vlčie Hrdlo 1
    Bratislava - Staré Mesto
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