Company Catalogue
Company Catalogue by by category "Fiber"
AURUM Chemicals s.r.o
Sells plastic regranulates, additives, modifiers for plastics and rubber, adhesives, color masterbatches, technical compounds, flame retardants. -
Johns Manville Slovakia, a.s.
Products for building insulation, mechanical insulation, roofing, roof insulation, fiberglass and nonwovens for a variety of applications. -
KAPIT s.r.o.
Fibres for concrete - replacement of KARI nets, PP-Polypropylene fibers, PET fibers, smooth or corrugated. Use for the manufacture of brushes,... -
Remaplast s.r.o.
Technical products from rubber and plastics, thermoforming packaging foils, barrier bowls, sealing and insulating materials, machining of technical... -
Výskumný ústav chemických vlákien, a.s.
Research of polymer systems and fibers, color concentrates, masterbatches for plastics, single-purpose equipment for plastics processing,...