Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Electroplating"

  • FMP a.s.

    FMP a.s.

    Injection molding, plastic products, tool shop, design and production of molds, plastic products for the automotive industry and construction, piping...
    Nový Svět 89/4
    Praha 1 – Hradčany
  • PLASTKON, s.r.o.

    PLASTKON, s.r.o.

    Manufacture and installation of ventilation equipment and components of plastics, galvanic equipment and laboratory furniture of plastics.
    Žerotínova bašta 9/8096
    Nové Zámky
  • UPT, s.r.o.

    UPT, s.r.o.

    Wastewater treatment plants, grease separators, water meeter shafts, Tanks for industry, piping, Plastic ventilation, galvanic lines, Plastic tanks...
    Kysucká cesta 3 (areál Sloveny)