Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Digitizing data, company digitalization"

  • Better industry s.r.o.

    Better industry s.r.o.

    A technology company that delivers software products and solutions aimed at improving the efficiency of manufacturing processes.
    Purkyňova 649/127
  • PEKAT s.r.o.

    PEKAT s.r.o.

    Software for automated visual inspection in production, improvement of production processes, smart camera, industrial components.
    Botanická 68a
  • SOVA Digital a.s.

    SOVA Digital a.s.

    Complex solutions for digitization and optimization of production processes, Industry 4.0, industrial automation, software solutions.
    Bojnická 3 (areál Matador)
    Bratislava - Staré Mesto
  • TOPMES s.r.o.

    TOPMES s.r.o.

    Products and services in the field of metrology and 3D measurement, sales and service of measuring equipment, machine repair, custom measurement,...
    Štěrboholská 44
    Praha 10