Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Atypical plastic, custom production"

  • 3D Tlač - Stepanek3D

    3D Tlač - Stepanek3D

    3D scanning, 3D printing, editing of 3D models, plastic atypes, custom production, small series production, production of plastic prototypes.
    Zvolenská cesta 6888/113
    Banská Bystrica
  • Aquatec VFL s.r.o.

    Aquatec VFL s.r.o.

    Wastewater treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, polypropylene plastic boards, plastic atypes, rotomoulding, rotational molding, plastic...
    Továrenská 4054/49
    Dubnica nad Váhom
  • BB AQEX s.r.o.

    BB AQEX s.r.o.

    Wastewater treatment plants, swimming pools, oil traps, grease traps, plastic atyps, galvanic baths GVP, plastic elbows, plastic fittings, septic...
    Stavebná 22
    Banská Bystrica
  • Centralplast s.r.o.

    Centralplast s.r.o.

    Pools, plastic pool, pool covering, boat manufacturing, rainwater tanks, water meter and inspection manholes, plastic cabinets and boxes, bath and...
    U Mostku 496
    Hradec Králové
  • DE-SK, s.r.o.

    DE-SK, s.r.o.

    Plastic injection, production of plastic moldings, production of plastic prototypes, assembly and completion of plastic products, light glue traps.
    Sad SNP 8
  • DOMITRI, spol.s r.o.

    DOMITRI, spol.s r.o.

    Purchase and recovery of secondary plastics LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE, PE / PP, PP, PS, ABS, production of LDPE and HDPE foils, bags, sacks, plastic...
    Gemerská Hôrka 421
    Gemerská Hôrka
  • Dragon Plastics Rotomoulding s.r.o.

    Dragon Plastics Rotomoulding s.r.o.

    Rotomoulding, rotational molding, plastic canister, plastic containers, plastic furniture parts, plastic tanks, plastic crates, plastic plugs.
    Hlavná 58
    Dolný Ohaj
  • Ekoprogres v.d. Trenčín

    Ekoprogres v.d. Trenčín

    Rotational moulding of plastics, rotomoulding, wastewater treatment plants, water tanks, sewage and pumping shafts, containers and road barriers.
    Zamarovská 260
  • ETK s.r.o. - Foam division

    ETK s.r.o. - Foam division

    Foam semi-finished products from plastics, custom production from plastics, hermoforming, pressforming of PE foam, thermal, vacuum, rotational...
    Skřivánčí 9a
    Jablonec nad Nisou
  • Faktum Design s.r.o.

    Faktum Design s.r.o.

    Design proposals for mechanical engineering, electronics, development studio, development of new products, graphic design of the product, tool shop,...
    Karásek 2245/1F (objekt 24)
  • FORMLAB  s.r.o.

    FORMLAB s.r.o.

    Prototype studio FORMLAB, production of prototypes, atypes and small series production, 3D cutting of polystyrene, vacuum forming, CNC machining of...
    Štúrova 16
  • FORT - PLASTY s.r.o.

    FORT - PLASTY s.r.o.

    Air ducts, tanks, collecting tanks and atypical plastic products, industrial plastic fans, thermal, vacuum, rotational molding.
    Hulínská 2193/2a


    Injection molding of plastics, production of plastic products, small- and large-scale production of plastics, plastic semi-finished products.
    Továrenská 1479
  • Ing. Ladislav Bošmanský Majaplast

    Ing. Ladislav Bošmanský Majaplast

    Plastic barrels, tanks and pools, special tanks for the chemical, food and construction industries, plastic canister, water meter shaft.
    Nová ul. 519
  • Kasko spol. s r.o.

    Kasko spol. s r.o.

    Development and injection of plastic moldings, construction, production of molds and tools, plastic press, plastic plating, two-component injection...
    Slavkov 82
    Horní Němčí
  • MEGAT - výroba z plastů Zlín spol. s r. o.

    MEGAT - výroba z plastů Zlín spol. s r. o.

    Plastic profiles and plastic pipes, plastic furniture profiles, plastic strips, plastic cover plates, pool roofing, plastic hoses.
    K Pasekám 273
    Zlín 1
  • ORIK, s.r.o.

    ORIK, s.r.o.

    Vacuum forming of plastics, plastic moldings, laser welding, CNC machining of plastics, injection moulds, plastic processing.
    Oravická 613
  • OSMOS Plastics s. r. o.

    OSMOS Plastics s. r. o.

    Plastic injection molding, plastic moldings, material repainting, printing - TAMPOPRINT, quality control, assembly and packaging.
    Pečnianska 31
    Bratislava - mestská časť Petržalka
  • Plast-invest EU, s. r. o.

    Plast-invest EU, s. r. o.

    Boards, rods, CNC machining of plastics, atyps from plastics, custom production, plastic boards, PE, LDPE, HDPE rods, plastic panels and tiles,...
    Pavla Mudroňa č. 7


    Plastic water tanks, sumps, shafts, septic tanks, plastic cellars, swimming pools, atypical products, technical plastics.
    Horná Breznica 25
    Lednické Rovne
  • Remaplast s.r.o.

    Remaplast s.r.o.

    Technical products from rubber and plastics, thermoforming packaging foils, barrier bowls, sealing and insulating materials, machining of technical...
    Kopčianska 15
    Bratislava - Petržalka
  • Röchling Industrial Tábor s. r. o.

    Röchling Industrial Tábor s. r. o.

    Plastic semi-finished products, extruded and molded sheets, rods, profiles and welding wires for 3 divisions: Automotive, Medical and Industrial.
    Vožická 624
  • SPUR a.s.

    SPUR a.s.

    Specialized plastic products, piping systems, cable protectors, insulating materials made of polyethylene foam, packaging material, bubble wrap,...
    tř. T. Bati 299
  • UPT, s.r.o.

    UPT, s.r.o.

    Wastewater treatment plants, grease separators, water meeter shafts, Tanks for industry, piping, Plastic ventilation, galvanic lines, Plastic tanks...
    Kysucká cesta 3 (areál Sloveny)
  • Veeser Plastic Slovakia k.s.

    Veeser Plastic Slovakia k.s.

    Plastic production for the automotive industry; plastic injection molding, plastic molding, plastic molding shop, technical plastic parts, plastic...
    Bratislavská 517
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