TRUMPF Slovakia (headquartered in Košice) is a subsidiary of the TRUMPF SE + Co. KG group, headquartered in Ditzingen/Germany. TRUMPF was founded in 1923 as a mechanical workshop and has developed into a company with a global leading position in the production of machine tools, lasers and electronics for industrial use. In the 2023/24 business year, the company achieved a turnover of EUR 5,172.5 million, with 19,018 employees.
TRUMPF is characterized by the following four characteristics:
We are a family-owned company. We think and act with a long-term perspective.
Our core business is technology in the field of sheet metal and profile machine tools and laser technology. These technologies are used in the production of a wide variety of products, from transport technology (cars, trains, aircraft), medical technology, air conditioning and heating technology, electrical technology and mobile devices to the most modern chip production lines.
Our credo is innovation. This enables us to constantly open up new technological areas and applications for our customers.
Our consistent internationalization is one of the factors of our success. We are active with our own subsidiaries in those markets where our customers are. We are close to our customers.
Assortment / Services
Machines and Systems
2D laser cutting machines
3D laser cutting machines
Laser welding systems and the arc welding cell
Laser tube cutting machines
Marking systems
Additive production systems
Punching machines
Punch laser machines
Bending machines
Storage systems
Disk lasers
Fiber laser
Diode lasers
Short and ultrashort pulse laser
Marking lasers
Pulsed lasers
CO2 lasers
EUV Drive laser
Sensor system
Processing optics
Technology packages
Scientific lasers
Service agreements
Product enhancements
Pre-owned machines
Technical service
Process optimization
Training courses
Spare parts
Monitoring and analysis
TRUMPF offers a large selection of marking lasers in a wide range of performance classes and with all common wavelengths (infrared, green, ultraviolet). They are suitable for marking processes such as engraving, material removal, tempering marking, coloring and foaming. In addition to metals, TRUMPF marking lasers process a wide range of other materials such as plastics, glass, silicon, ceramics and organic substances. All marking lasers are designed in a consistent modular manner and can therefore be easily integrated into your system. The standard range of TRUMPF offers up to five different focusing optics for each marking laser type, so that you always achieve the optimal machining result, regardless of the application.
Laser marking of plastics
High beam quality for small focal diameters.
Solid-state lasers with short pulses, with an average power of up to 100 W and a pulse duration of 10 to 100 nanoseconds - at pulse frequencies of up to 100 kHz - are used for marking.
This allows for fine adjustment of the interaction with the material to be marked. The result of the minimum pulse duration is high peak pulse power, up to several tens of thousands of watts at an average power of 10 watts. The lasers are diode-driven and very efficient. They can be focused very well and thus offer the possibility of marking the surface of the material very precisely. The high beam quality allows for a minimum focal diameter. Marked lines with a width of 30 ÎĽm are therefore no problem for creating highly precise marking. Even small components can be marked.
Lasers used for marking mostly emit light in the infrared region with a wavelength of 1064 nm. Devices with green /532 nm/ and ultraviolet /355 nm/ light are also available especially for processing plastics and semiconductor materials. In particular, the wavelength of ultraviolet radiation /UV/ opens up new dimensions in the field of laser marking. This short-wavelength light reacts directly with the plastic compounds in a phototechnical reaction without heating the material and thus damaging it. Especially with critical materials, such as plastics with fire retardants, these lasers achieve high-contrast marking results with optimal surface quality and very high processing speeds.