UNIPETROL, a.s. - Statement on media misinformation regarding Orlen brands test

Following some recent publications in the Czech media whose authors have suggested that the project of rebranding currently underway on the Czech market was abandoned we want to clarify that no such decision has been made. All gasoline stations which participated in the project will continue to operate under the same brands.

The only recent development is that the decision to start the stage two of the Orlen/Star testing focused on drivers’ opinions on a potential change of the Benzina brand has been postponed due to difficult economic situation in the Czech Republic. This situation is generally unfavorable for these types of investments. We also want to deny the information which recently appeared in media, that Czech people in general don’t endorse the Orlen brands.  The test results showed that Orlen brands, which were not supported by marketing campaigns, have been accepted by the clients of stations, which operate under them. Marketing research performed during the test showed that customer feedback of the new brands is very good.  

Author: Mikuláš Duda

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