Optimum cleaning material for screws and cylinders for presses and extruders

MACHINES HF OF ITALY SRL produces an optimum cleaning material for screws and cylinders for presses and extruders for plastic material. Our cleaning material belong to the line HFC SPECIAL CLEANER, created for the cleaning and maintenance services for molds, presses and extruders.

The HFC SPECIAL CLEANER cleaning material can be used whit any thermoplastic material, with a processing temperature between 90°C and 400°C.

Our cleaning material is not toxic, not corrosive, not abrasive, does not emit fumes and does not stink.
Use this cleaning material is simple and very fast: reduces downtime, reduces production waste and cleaning is cheaper.

The HFC SPECIAL CLEANER material is:
HFC PURGE p.a. (active part) is optimum to clean any thermoplastic, also the technical materials and it acts from 90°C. It’s optimum for processing temperatures above 200°C, for cleaning big screws and big cylinders. HFC PURGE p.a. cleans very well other materials that work at “low temperatures”, because the operation range is very flexible.Any thermoplastic material can be cleaned with HFC PURGE p.a.: PP, PE, PS, PVC, EVA, PC, PA, PMMA, blands with fiber glass, and other.

HFC PURGE p.a. is great for solving problems of color change, material change, blacks points on transparent materials and burned materials.

HFC PURGE p.a. is more flexibile than others cleaning materials.
For use it, is not necessary to change the processing parameters; the time required for cleaning is short and cleaning becomes economic.

We have a technician in the area: he’s important to resolve any problems and to have a technical reference nearby. If you want some information about our product or test it, you contact us with fax or e-mail. We will respond to you as soon as possible.


Sede Legale: Via Speroni 14 - Varese (Italy) 

Sede operativa e Uffici: Via XXV Aprile 56/60 - 21023 Besozzo (VA)  

Tel. +39-0332-772336 r.a. - Fax +39-0332 771189 

e-mail: machineshf@libero.it

Technical support in SR/CZ : Ing. Daniele Vailati, 00420 908 517 619, email: danielehf@zoznam.sk 

Author: Dott. Massimo Airoldi

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