K. D. Feddersen CEE GmbH supplies recycled ABS and PS from SKYTECH

K. D. Feddersen CEE GmbH supplies recycled ABS and PS from SKYTECH
Using a patented manufacturing process, SKYTECH produces a variety of high-quality recycled plastics such as Skylonitrile® (rABS) and Skystyrene® (rPS), which meet the high demands of manufacturers and end consumers alike.

The post-consumer recycled plastics (PCR) are 100 % derived from the recycling of waste from end-of-life vehicles (ELV) and electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The regranulates can be customised to meet the desired technical requirements and specifications.

"These regranulates allow easy scaling at industrial level, contributing to the development of a 100 % circular economy. An essential added value is the significantly reduced CO₂ footprint of the products compared to conventional regrind or prime products" explains Thomas Raithel, Managing Director of K.D. Feddersen CEE GmbH.

The products with the trade names Skylonitrile® and Skystyrene® are manufactured using a patented process technology (triboelectricity). The manufacturer pays special attention to certifications for its materials in connection with quality control, which is carried out at every stage of the production process for every batch produced. Skylonitrile® and Skystyrene® offer a wide range of applications in terms of MFI as well as Izod impact strength. This enables the products to meet the high mechanical as well as aesthetic requirements from the many different sectors of industry. K.D. Feddersen has already started some interesting projects in the furniture and household goods industry but also in the automotive sector together with its European customers, where these materials make a positive contribution to resource conservation.

K.D: Feddersen - supplier of ABS, PCR, PS plastic granulates  
 Skylonitrile rABS - Hand towel dispenser casing


SKYTECH was founded in 2018 after a research and development phase carried out with the support of ADEME (French Environment and Energy Agency) and is fully owned by the French investment company Xerys Invest. The product portfolio is designed to serve both extrusion and injection moulding applications. According to the manufacturer, the significantly reduced CO2 footprint in contrast to conventional virgin materials is particularly noteworthy. Thus, these materials make it possible to meet the increasing requirements of a more sustainable circular economy and the goal of reduced CO2 emissions.

Author: K.D. Feddersen CEE GmbH

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