European plastics industry market data report
This report provides an analysis of the production, demand and waste management of plastic materials. It explores the latest business information on production and demand, trade, recycling and recovery, as well as employment and turnover in the plastics industry. In short, this report gives an insight into the industry’s contribution to European economic growth and prosperity throughout the life cycle of plastic material.
After a sharp drop in production due to COVID-19 in the first half of the year 2020, production has started to recover again in the second half of the year. Production of plastics in primary forms in the EU27 started to recover in June 2020. The recovery took place in the last quarter of 2020 and will continue in 2021. However the speed of recovery depends on the impact of the COVID-19 and on the demand for plastics from important customer industries like automotive or building and construction sectors.
The production level before the COVID-19 pandemic will not be reached before 2022.
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Estimated growth rate 2020: - 8.5% Orange curve: Production primary plastics |
PlasticsEurope is a leading pan-European association representing plastics manufacturers in the European plastics industry. We can find it in Brussels, Frankfurt, London, Milan and Paris. It works closely with more than 90% of polymer producers in the EU-27.
Record 330 million euros. Slovnaft's investments were also directed to the modification of technologies for the processing of various types of crude oil
24.2.2025 Skupina SLOVNAFT investovala v roku 2024 do údržby, úprav a modernizácie svojich výrobných zariadení najväčší objem peňazí vo svojej histórii – 330 miliónov eur. Išlo najmä o úpravu technológií z dôvodu diverzifikácie...