ERI TRADE invited to exhibitions MSV and K

ERI TRADE s.r.o. invites to the fair MSV in Brno and K in Düsseldorf.
ERI TRADE zve na veletrhy MSV a K

Těšíme se na Vás!

Ing. Adéla Trlidová
ERI-TRADE s.r.o.
CZ 696 84 Syrovín
Tel./Fax +420 518 388 577
GSM +420 733 575 911

Author: ERI TRADE s.r.o.
  • ERI TRADE s.r.o.

    ERI TRADE s.r.o.

    New and used pre-crushers, crushers, mills, spare parts and accessories for plastic recycling, machine offer, consulting in the assembly of lines and...
    Syrovín 64

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