SLOVAK PLASTIC CLUSTER covers corporations within the plastic industry, which applied for the membership in the association and met conditions to enter the cluster.  Participating corporations are mutually competitive but at the same time they must solve the same problems and to share their sources.


Thanks to the cooperation in these areas they can get over a lot of restrictions and to receive the competition advantage. SPK brings to the companies associated in it:

- A common progress in the legislation
- Competition and cooperation
- Geographic concetration, but also a potential global reach
- Specialization, common Technologies, skills, products
- Cooperation among schools and education institutions
- Cooperation with financial institutions
- Cooperation with the technology transfer centers
- Cooperation in area of EU funds
- International network


Published Articles

SPK representatives in Korea: New opportunities and inspirations

10.6.2024 From 28 April to 3 May 2024, representatives of the Slovak Plastics Cluster (SPK) participated in the Korea-Slovakia Knowledge Sharing Programme (KSP) Workshop for Experts and working visits to companies in Korea.