easytherm.sk s.r.o. Invites you to AMPER 2019

18.3.2019 Events
We invite you to the 27th International Trade Fair of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Automation, Telecommunications, Lighting and Security, AMPER.

Veľtrh sa koná na výstavisku v Brne v dňoch 19.3. –22.3.2019.

Nájdete nás v pavilóne V stánok č. V1.20.

AMPER 2019  

Tešíme sa na Vašu návštevu easytherm.sk s.r.o.

Viac informácií»

Author: easytherm.sk s.r.o.
  • easytherm.sk s.r.o.

    easytherm.sk s.r.o.

    Hot runners for injection molds, heating bodies, heating cartridges, tempering devices, temperature regulators, measuring systems, laboratory...
    Nám. Dr. A. Schweitzera 194
    Stará Turá

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