CHI MEI – ABS Polylac® - the next generation from Biesterfeld Interowa GmbH&Co KG

CHI MEI – ABS Polylac® - the next generation from  Biesterfeld Interowa GmbH&Co KG
We are glad to present you two new ABS Polylac® grades in our product portfolio.

Polylac® PA-737 A03 ONL
Polylac® PA-757H

The key features for Polylac® PA-737 A03 ONL are:

•       New white color grade close RAL 9003

•       Popular white for home appliance, sanitary and in the electro segments

•       High flow

•       Medium impact


ABS Polylac®


The key features for Polylac® PA-757H are:

•       High melt flow rate

•       High impact property

•       High gloss

•       Popular for home appliance, automotive segments…

•       As a replacement for good flow ABS types


Samples for both types are available!

You will find details about properties and processing on our website:

For more information please get in touch with your local Biesterfeld Interowa sales representative.

Author: Biesterfeld Interowa GmbH&Co KG

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