Bonus for the purchase of an electric or hybrid ALLROUNDER from ARBURG
Bonus for the purchase of an electric or hybrid ALLROUNDER
The campaign is based on the CEE energy-saving certificate that was set down in law in 2005 with the aim of significantly reducing industrial energy consumption. Since the end of 2013, the certificate has been available especially for electric and hybrid injection moulding machines (IND-UT-29, published in Journal Officiel). Marc Schuh, Managing Director of ARBURG France, strongly supports this project and cooperated in its creation with energy provider EDF Entreprises. "Through the cooperation, we are promoting electric and hybrid machine technology, which consumes up to 50 percent less energy compared to hydraulic drives." This in turn helps the energy provider to comply with legislation. "For this reason, we promote investment in energy-saving electric and hybrid machine technology with up to ten percent of the purchase price", says Marc Gendron, department manager for Services & Partners at EDF Entreprises in France. The bonus is dependent on the machine type. For an ALLROUNDER 570 A 1600-1300, it can amount to 7,400 euros or more. The bonus is available for electric and hybrid ALLROUNDER machines from the ALLDRIVE, EDRIVE and HIDRIVE machine series, all of which bear the ARBURG e2 energy-efficiency label.
ARBURG creates further incentives
"In addition to the EDF campaign, we are this year establishing further incentives for investing in efficient machines and enhancing production efficiency," says Marc Schuh: “We will be providing all customers who purchase a state-sponsored electric and hybrid ALLROUNDER with the preparation for an INTEGRALPICKER or MULTILIFT robotic system free of charge. Contact us!"
Regional information event
In April 2014, the national energy provider EDF Entreprises as well as the French associations Fédération de la Plasturgie and ACDI will hold several regional events in France in order to provide customers with in-depth information on energy-saving options and details regarding the bonus.
to energy efficiency
ARBURG spol. s.r.o.
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