Ampacet introduces AA Scavenger for PET and rPET bottles

Ampacet introduces AA Scavenger for PET and rPET bottles
Ampacet, a global masterbatch leader, has introduced AA Scavenger 0846, an additive designed to reduce the level of acetaldehyde in PET and rPET bottles and preserve the organoleptic properties of water.

One of the most common thermoplastics in the world, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is widely used in bottles, containers, trays and other beverage and food packaging. A drawback of PET use for water packaging, however, is the risk of contamination by acetaldehyde (AA), a byproduct of thermal degradation of PET that can occur during PET processing extrusion or injection molding.

Ampacet AA Scavenger 0846 acts as a scavenging agent, enabling processors to reduce and control the level of acetaldehyde present in bottle walls and protect the contents from contamination and off taste. At a very low addition rate, Ampacet AA Scavenger 0846 reduces the migration of acetaldehyde by up to 80% while maintaining product quality and brand reputation.

Ampacet - AA Scavenger for PET and rPET bottles  

By controlling acetaldehyde migration,  AA Scavenger 0846 also contributes to circular economy initiatives by allowing the use of higher percentages of recycled PET in preforms and bottles without affecting end product taste. 

Author: Ampacet Europe S.A.
  • Ampacet Europe S.A.

    Ampacet Europe S.A.

    Dyes, color concentrates, additives, masterbatches, UV stabilizers, raw materials and additives for the rubber industry, dyes for bioplastics.
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