Thanks to humidification technology from DREKOMA s.r.o. the labels on the bottles stick better
Drekoma dodala pre spoločnosť Budějovický Budvar, n. p. v Českých Budějoviciach zvlhčovače vzduchu MERLIN -TECHNOLOGY.
Vďaka zvlhčovacej technológii sa jednoduchšie lepia etikety na sklenené fľaše a taktiež sa lepidlo na fľašu lepšie prilepí.
DREKOMA s.r.o.
Industrial humidifiers, MERLIN - TECHNOLOGY, humidification and measuring technology, adiabatic cooling, cooling units, equipment and machines.
Drekoma offers an economical humidification solution thanks to its patented Orbit Wing technology
8.11.2024 Family company Ing. Vladimír Harazím, CSc. - Drekoma took part in the International Engineering Fair in Brno this October. In Hall V, it again presented its patented technology, which humidified the air of the exhibition space. According to their...