Invitation from JAN SVOBODA s.r.o. to the MSV 2022
Rádi bychom vás pozvali na návštěvu našeho stánku na Mezinárodním strojírenském veletrhu v Brně, který se uskuteční v termínu 4. - 7. října 2022. Náš stánek najdete v pavilonu G1, č.j. 45-46.
Complex deliveries of semi-finished products for molds for plastics, tools for molding plastics and light metals, machine tools, tempering equipment,...
LIFOCOLOR, a leading manufacturer of plastic colorants: Thank you for your support in 2024
16.12.2024 LIFOCOLOR, a company specializing in the production of custom-made colorants for plastics, considers 2024 to be an exceptionally successful year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank, above all, our customers for their trust, our business...