Invitation BAMAS – ELEKTRO spol. s r.o. at MSV 2023
Dovoľujem si Vás touto cestou pozvať na návštevu nášho stánku, kde budeme prezentovať vykurovacie telesá, vykurovacie patróny, meraciu a regulačnú techniku.
Hala G1, stánok č. 55
Na Vašu návštevu sa teší tím pracovníkov firmy BAMAS - ELEKTRO spol. s r.o.
BAMAS – ELEKTRO spol. s r.o.
Heating elements for injection molding, extruders and extrusion lines, heating cartridges, elements of regulation, measuring technology, machines for...
DESMA Elastomertechnik's global mold and cold runner production achieves record sales in 2024
27.1.2025 Klöckner DESMA Elastomertechnik GmbH, headquartered in Fridingen an der Donau, has been developing molding processes for sophisticated rubber and silicone articles of various sizes for almost six decades. One of DESMA's key competencies is that it...