ARBURG received ISO certification for information and cyber security

A pioneer of digitalisation in plastic parts production, ARBURG has also been voluntarily certified in accordance with DIN ISO/IEC 27001 since March 2023. This globally recognised standard is proof that ARBURG has implemented an effective information security management system (ISMS) in its information systems division and is doing its utmost to meet the high requirements of information security and the underlying security procedures.

Certified information security

At ARBURG, IT security and data protection have a high priority – both at its central production location in Lossburg and in the company's own organisations at 35 locations in 25 countries around the world.
"As this topic is close to our hearts and we already had a very good technical and organisational set-up, we were able to achieve certification in a record time of just six months," explains Andreas Dümmler, Divisional Manager Information Systems at ARBURG.

Re-certification takes place every three years and a detailed risk assessment of all IT services is carried out annually, an analysis of which is incorporated into the company's own opportunity management. On top of this, there are internal audits, management evaluations and surveillance audits by TÜV Süd. As an internationally recognised framework, ISO 27001 creates the "guard rails" to further advance corporate information security based on processes, guidelines and policies. This is precisely what more and more customers, partners and suppliers are increasingly asking for and demanding.

ARBURG: digitization of plastics production

ARBURG ISO-certified in all important areas

ARBURG is ISO-certified in all important areas and transparently documents the relevant processes in associated manuals. The company's certifications comprise:

  • ISO 9001 for quality management,
  • ISO 14001 for environmental management,
  • ISO 29993 for quality management in vocational and in-company training,
  • ISO 50001 for energy management, and
  • new: ISO 27001 for information security.
Author: ARBURG spol. s r.o.
  • ARBURG spol. s.r.o.

    ARBURG spol. s.r.o.

    Injection molding machines, injection molding machines, two-component injection moulding, accessories for plastics, production automation, additive...
    Černovická 40

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