Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Service, repair spare parts, upgrade"

  • 1.PLASTCOMPANY, spol. s r.o.

    1.PLASTCOMPANY, spol. s r.o.

    Horizontal and vertical injection molding machines, extruders and extrusion lines, extrusion tools, material conveyors and dryers, dosing and mixing...
    Bohunická 728/24a
    Top Company
  • Caspro s.r.o.

    Caspro s.r.o.

    Peripherals for the plastics industry, extruders, screws and rollers, gravimetric and volumetric dispensers and mixers, dryers, overhauls of...
    Podnikateľská 5
    Košice - Džungľa
    Top Company
  • ENGEL CZ s.r.o.

    ENGEL CZ s.r.o.

    Development and production of injection molding machines, ENGEL injection molding machines, injection molding machines, industrial automation,...
    Baarova 309/18
    Praha 4
    Top Company
  • KUBOUŠEK s.r.o.

    KUBOUŠEK s.r.o.

    Measuring instruments, injection molding machines, tempering equipment, belt conveyors, cooling systems, mills and granulators, hot runners,...
    Lidická 1937
    České Budějovice
    Top Company
  • LUGER spol. s r.o.

    LUGER spol. s r.o.

    Peripheral equipment for the plastics industry, tempering equipment, plastic crushers, plastic conveyors, metal part separators, injection molding...
    K Bytovkám 235/235
    Top Company
  • MAPRO SLOVAKIA , s.r.o.

    MAPRO SLOVAKIA , s.r.o.

    Haitian injection molding machines, fully electric ZHAFIR VENUS injection molding machines, screws, cylinders, Moretto peripherals, PCB peripherals,...
    Orovnica 230
    Top Company
  • MAPRO Solution a.s.

    MAPRO Solution a.s.

    Haitian injection molding machines, fully electric ZHAFIR VENUS injection molding machines, screws, cylinders, Moretto peripherals, PCB peripherals,...
    Bystrovany 339
    Top Company
  • MASTEX, spol. s r.o.

    MASTEX, spol. s r.o.

    ENGEL injection molding machines, industrial robots, production automation, peripherals, conveyor systems, manipulators.
    Fibichova 16
    Bratislava - Staré Mesto
    Top Company
  • Wittmann Battenfeld CZ spol.s r.o

    Wittmann Battenfeld CZ spol.s r.o

    Injection molding machines, linear robots and manipulators, tempering devices, systems for drying and conveying granulate, dispensers, grinders,...
    Malé Nepodřice 67,Dobev
    Top Company
  • A.M. spol. s r.o.

    A.M. spol. s r.o.

    Technology consulting, design and sale of machines and peripheral equipment for the plastics operations, dispensers - gravimetric and volumetric.
    Sladovnická 167
  • ant s.r.o.

    ant s.r.o.

    Plastic welding machines, measuring systems, laboratory devices, measurement, service, maintenance, spare parts, plastic welding, service and repair...
    Staré grunty 17/a
    Bratislava - Staré Mesto
  • ATU Slovakia, spol s r.o.

    ATU Slovakia, spol s r.o.

    Ultrasonic Welding Machine, Hot Plate Welding Machine, Spin Welding Machine, Vibration Welding Machine, Hot Air Welding Machine, IR Welding Machine,...
    Piaristická 276/46
  • BOCO PARDUBICE machines, s.r.o.

    BOCO PARDUBICE machines, s.r.o.

    Extruders, extruders, extrusion, recycling and regranulation lines for plastics processing, screws and chambers, thermal insulation blankets.
    Čepí 1
  • BOLE Europe Technology Co.LTD.sp.zo.o.

    BOLE Europe Technology Co.LTD.sp.zo.o.

    Bole injection molding machines: hydraulic, fully electric, double plate, two-component injection molding machines (2K).
    ul.Katowicka 72


    Sales, professional installation and service of branded HVAC equipment, air conditioners, heat recovery and heat pumps.
    Nádražná 2950/33m
  • Chem-Aqua, divízia NCH Slovakia s.r.o.

    Chem-Aqua, divízia NCH Slovakia s.r.o.

    Water treatment in industry, maintenance, service of tools and machinery, service, maintenance, spare parts, service and repair of machines.
    Drieňová 34
  • CHEMAT spol. s r.o

    CHEMAT spol. s r.o

    Conveyors, manufacturing and sales of production lines for plastic processing, industrial automation, peripheral devices, peripherals, granule...
    Ružinovská 1
    Bratislava - Staré Mesto
  • CHODOS CHODOV s.r.o.

    CHODOS CHODOV s.r.o.

    Manufactures of machines and equipment for processing of rubber and plastic for the rubber and plastics industry - presses, extruders, vending...
    Nejdecká 814
    Chodov u Karlových Varů
  • DATRIA s.r.o.

    DATRIA s.r.o.

    Extrusion lines, extruders, MIKROSAN regranulation lines, HAYEUR screws and chambers, POLIMER TECHNICS compounding lines, ENMA crushers and...
    Dašická 1185
  • DS technic s.r.o.

    DS technic s.r.o.

    Electric, hydraulic and hybrid injection molding machines, automation, service and training - a comprehensive solution for your business.
    Kurzova 2222/16
  • ERI TRADE s.r.o.

    ERI TRADE s.r.o.

    New and used pre-crushers, crushers, mills, spare parts and accessories for plastic recycling, machine offer, consulting in the assembly of lines and...
    Syrovín 64
  • ESINTE s.r.o.

    ESINTE s.r.o.

    Injection molding machine LG, LS Mtron injection molding machines - sales, service, industrial robots, WEMO Automation manipulators, industrial...
    Dolní novosadská 41/26
  • Formy Tachov s.r.o.

    Formy Tachov s.r.o.

    Plastic injection tools. Development, design, manufacture, sale, repair and service of plastic injection tools up to 20 tonnes for the automotive...
    Oldřichov 82
  • GF Machining Solutions s.r.o.

    GF Machining Solutions s.r.o.

    Tool shops, production of tools, mold repairs, machines for plastics and rubber, machines for the production of molds and tools, mold clamping,...
    Podolí 488
  • Hireco Fluid s. r. o.

    Hireco Fluid s. r. o.

    Machine maintenance, cleaning and filtration of oils, air and oil filters, filter units, dehydrators, operational diagnostics, laboratory equipment,...
    Sidónie Sakalovej 1305
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