Company Catalogue
Company Catalogue by by category "Advice for plastic and rubber production"
Biesterfeld Interowa GmbH&Co KG
Plastic granulate, PP polypropylene, construction plastics, thermoplastics, engineering plastics, standard plastics, plastics for demanding...Top Company -
IMCD Czech Republic s.r.o.
Distribution of special chemical raw materials (plastics, additives, fillers, TiO2 ..) with pan-European activity.Top Company -
Measuring instruments, injection molding machines, tempering equipment, belt conveyors, cooling systems, mills and granulators, hot runners,...Top Company -
Haitian injection molding machines, fully electric ZHAFIR VENUS injection molding machines, screws, cylinders, Moretto peripherals, PCB peripherals,...Top Company -
MAPRO Solution a.s.
Haitian injection molding machines, fully electric ZHAFIR VENUS injection molding machines, screws, cylinders, Moretto peripherals, PCB peripherals,...Top Company -
3D Tlač - Stepanek3D
3D scanning, 3D printing, editing of 3D models, plastic atypes, custom production, small series production, production of plastic prototypes. -
Plastic molding, plastic injection, injection molds, molds, industrial robots, manipulators, grippers, EOAT components. -
A-OMEGA, s.r.o.
A-OMEGA, ltd. has more than 15-year experience of personnel consulting, organizing consulting, education and project management, more than 6-year... -
A.M. spol. s r.o.
Technology consulting, design and sale of machines and peripheral equipment for the plastics operations, dispensers - gravimetric and volumetric. -
ATU Slovakia, spol s r.o.
Ultrasonic Welding Machine, Hot Plate Welding Machine, Spin Welding Machine, Vibration Welding Machine, Hot Air Welding Machine, IR Welding Machine,... -
Ensinger s.r.o.
Technical plastics, plastic semi-finished products, rods, tubes and plates, blasting and CNC machining of plastics, plastic injection, plastic... -
ERI TRADE s.r.o.
New and used pre-crushers, crushers, mills, spare parts and accessories for plastic recycling, machine offer, consulting in the assembly of lines and... -
EU POLYMER CZ, odštěpný závod
Plastic compounds, plastic granules, plastic granules, raw material, color concentrates, masterbatches, thermoplastics, plastic additives, dyes,... -
Exact Systems Slovakia s.r.o.
Quality control in the automotive industry, repair and sorting of plastic parts, components and finished products, control of the final product. -
Explast, spol. s r. o.
Polyethylene, polypropylene and styrene plastics, plastic granulate sales, thermoplastics, engineering plastics, technical plastics, thermoplastic... -
Interimyou International s.r.o.
The largest database of experts in the automotive industry, automotive experts in the field of development and serial production. -
IPA Slovakia, s.r.o.
Consulting for plastic and rubber production, accredited education in the field of plastics, training of operation and maintenance of machines,... -
MCAE Systems, s.r.o. organizačná zložka
3D digital technology, rapid prototyping, 3D modeling, 3-D digitization and measurement, CAD/CAM software. -
Omya s. r. o.
Row material (plastic grades, aditives, mastebatches, chemicals), technologies (plastic processing, recycling and regeneration), assembling of... -
Plastcom, spol. s r.o.
Complex services in research, production, recycling and application of engineering plastics for injection moulding (compounded polymers) including... -
Röchling Industrial Tábor s. r. o.
Plastic semi-finished products, extruded and molded sheets, rods, profiles and welding wires for 3 divisions: Automotive, Medical and Industrial. -
Safic - Alcan Česko, s.r.o.
Raw materials for the rubber industry, additives, polyurethanes, rubber industry, color concentrates, masterbatches, technical plastics, dyes and... -
Schier Technik Slovakia s.r.o.
Autorizovaný predajca 3D CAD systém SolidWorks a CAM systém SolidCAM, inžinierske a projekčné služby CAD/CAM, 3D digitalizácia , 3D meranie,... -
SILON CZ R&D s.r.o.
Expert consultancy in materials engineering, managing and implementing development projects, prototyping and conducting thorough testing. As an... -
SimulPlast s.r.o.
Mold design and construction, simulations, analysis, injection molding training, plastic injection seminars, plastic testing and testing.
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