Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "ABS resin suppliers"

  • Biesterfeld Interowa GmbH&Co KG

    Biesterfeld Interowa GmbH&Co KG

    Plastic granulate, PP polypropylene, construction plastics, thermoplastics, engineering plastics, standard plastics, plastics for demanding...
    Bräuhausgasse 3-5
    Top Company
  • K.D. Feddersen CEE GmbH

    K.D. Feddersen CEE GmbH

    Engineering plastics, masterbatches, biodegradable biocompounds, thermoplastics, technical plastics - sales, bioplastics suppliers.
    Mariahilferstraße 103 / 4 / 62b
    Top Company
  • Polykemi AB

    Polykemi AB

    Thermoplastic compounds, plastic compounds, thermoplastic elastomers, plastic granules, plastic compounds for automotive.
    Bronsgatan 8
    Top Company
  • RESINEX Czech Republic s.r.o.

    RESINEX Czech Republic s.r.o.

    Thermoplastics, elastomers, additives, compounding and recycling of plastics, commodity plastics, construction plastics, bioplastics, special...
    Údolní 212/1
    Praha 4 – Braník
    Top Company
  • VACULA s.r.o.

    VACULA s.r.o.

    Engineering, technical plastics - sales, construction plastics - production and sales, plastic granulate, thermoplastics, PP, PS, PA6, PA66, PC, PE,...
    Loučská 1546
    Lipník nad Bečvou
    Top Company
  • Avient Corporation

    Avient Corporation

    Polymeric materials, structural thermoplastics, thermoplastic elastomers TPE, color concentrates, masterbatches for plastics, flame retardants.
    Mandulafa sor 3
    Gyor, Hu
  • Brenntag CR s.r.o.

    Brenntag CR s.r.o.

    Thermoplastics, plastic additives, dyes, additives, construction plastics, plastic crumb, plastic regenerate, rubber granulate, regranulation.
    Mezi Úvozy 1850
    Praha 9
  • DOMINIK TRADE s.r.o.

    DOMINIK TRADE s.r.o.

    Plastic additives, plastic food packaging, plastics, raw materials - suppliers, sales, distribution, masterbatches for plastics, plastic granulate -...
    Obežná 3237/8
  • ECTA Handelsgesellschaft GmbH

    ECTA Handelsgesellschaft GmbH

    Input plastic raw materials, construction plastics, plastic fillers, additives and masterbatches, foils for vacuum forming (HiPS, PP, PET).
    Ahornstraße 16
  • EU POLYMER CZ, odštěpný závod

    EU POLYMER CZ, odštěpný závod

    Plastic compounds, plastic granules, plastic granules, raw material, color concentrates, masterbatches, thermoplastics, plastic additives, dyes,...
    Nad Ryšánkou 2079/8 - Krč
    Praha 4
  • Explast, spol. s r. o.

    Explast, spol. s r. o.

    Polyethylene, polypropylene and styrene plastics, plastic granulate sales, thermoplastics, engineering plastics, technical plastics, thermoplastic...
    Průmyslová 2396
    Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav
  • geba Kunststoffcompounds GmbH

    geba Kunststoffcompounds GmbH

    Masterbatches for plastics, plastic regranulate, ABS regranulate, ABS plastic regranulate, PC, PC/ABS, PA6, PA66, TPU, PBT, PMMA, technical plastics,...
    Industriestr. 11-21
  • GENETRIX s.r.o.

    GENETRIX s.r.o.

    Standard and technical plastics, thermoplastics, plastic granulate, plastic granules, raw material, engineering plastics, thermoplastic elastomers -...
    Lidická 445
  • Maloun s.r.o.

    Maloun s.r.o.

    Collection and sorting of plastic waste, crushing, production of regranulates, compaund, testing and sale of primary granulates.
    Evropská 661/95
    Praha 6
  • Nylus SK, s.r.o.

    Nylus SK, s.r.o.

    Commodity plastics, polyolefins, plastic additives, color concentrates, masterbatches, UV stabilizers for plastics, engineering, technical plastics -...
    Vodárenská 2011/38
  • Remarkplast compounding a.s.

    Remarkplast compounding a.s.

    Plastic compounds, plastic compounding, regranulate, plastic regranulation, construction plastics - production and sale, engineering, technical...
    Bohuslavice 123
  • Safic - Alcan Česko, s.r.o.

    Safic - Alcan Česko, s.r.o.

    Raw materials for the rubber industry, additives, polyurethanes, rubber industry, color concentrates, masterbatches, technical plastics, dyes and...
    Jamborova 32
  • SunTechem Solutions s.r.o.

    SunTechem Solutions s.r.o.

    Compounding of plastics, coloring of plastics, improvement of plastic properties, SunComp compounds, engineering and technical plastics.
    Pod Kasárny 724
    Lázně Bohdaneč
  • TER Plastics Sp. z o.o

    TER Plastics Sp. z o.o

    Technical plastics, thermosets, high-performance polymers, thermoplastic materials, plastic compounds, polyamides, construction plastics, PMMA, LDPE,...
    Rogoźnica 304
    Głogów Małopolski
  • TOYOTA TSUSHO EUROPE SA Czech Republic Branch

    TOYOTA TSUSHO EUROPE SA Czech Republic Branch

    Plastic granules, regranulates, recyclates and chemicals, construction plastics, thermoplastics, plastics processing, plastics for automotive.
    Plzeňská 3185/5b
    Praha 5


    Polymers ASCEND, BASELL, DOMO, AQUAFIL, ASAHI, LUCITE, STYROLUTION, SAMYANG, TEIJIN, BOREALIS and RAVAGO, engineering plastics, polyethylene,...
    Radlinského 40/A
  • VINK-Plasty s.r.o.

    VINK-Plasty s.r.o.

    The supplier of the widest range of plastic semi-products (plates, rods, pipes, piping systems and accessories) in Europe.
    F. V. Veselého 2635/15