Articles by category Radiation crosslinking of plastic parts
Radiation-crosslinked plastics instead of metal
15.4.2024 Cheap and simple production of robust components. High-energy radiation can improve the...
Radiation crosslinking of plastics has high potential for electric cars
11.12.2023 BGS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co. KG. provides comprehensive services in the field of industrial...
Biopolymers: New application possibilities in electronics and electrical technology through...
3.2.2023 | Products in the electrical technology and electronics (E&E) industry have to meet high flame... -
BGS: Electron Booster for Electric Vehicles
28.9.2022 | The conditions in electric vehicles place high demands on the materials used. Therefore, automakers...
BGS Irradiation Service Days: Virtual trade fair on plastics radiation crosslinking for e-mobility,...
16.9.2022 | BGS Beta-Gamma-Service, specialized provider in the field of plastics radiation crosslinking and... -
BGS Irradiation Service Days 2022: Second virtual trade fair on trends and themes in radiation...
5.8.2022 | BGS Beta-Gamma-Service extends an invitation to the BGS Irradiation Service Days (ISD) for the...
BGS Beta-Gamma-Service expands laboratory and logistics spaces
10.6.2022 | BGS, specialised provider in the area of radiation sterilization and radiation crosslinking, is... -
Kick-off to the BGS Irradiation Service Days: Virtual trade fair on current trends in radiation...
30.8.2021 | BGS Beta-Gamma-Service, specialised provider in the area of radiation crosslinking and radiation...
BGS Beta-Gamma-Service celebrates its 40th company anniversary
9.8.2021 BGS, a specialised provider in the area of radiation sterilization and crosslinking, is turning 40:...
The role of plastics in modern transport is huge. Radiation crosslinking of plastics expands their use.
8.7.2021 Radiation crosslinking can change the performance of plastic products, thus extending the scope of...
Company BGS modify the physical properties of plastic products and expand their potential use
19.5.2021 | Plastics are lightweight and have huge potential, especially for designs that emphasize a... -
Radiation crosslinking refines plastics in serial production
15.6.2020 | Lightweight materials are crucial for climate-neutral production. Plastics are often effective in...
Radiation crosslinking - an innovative way to improve the tribological properties of plastic...
11.10.2017 | The requirements for plastic parts, especially their tribological properties, are constantly... -
Radiation crosslinking of products
16.3.2016 | eBeam-treatment is a versatile and efficient method to improve the performance of polymers used in...
BGS creates new capacities for gamma irradiation
12.6.2015 | BGS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co. KG, Germany’s leading provider of irradiation services with... -
Expanding capacity at BGS Beta-Gamma-Service successfully completed
11.5.2015 | The upgrade at the Bavarian Saal to the increases in capacity requirements to sterilization by...
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