Polykemi AB is gearing up: Gearshift knobs in POLYfill PP TOUCH!

Polykemi AB is gearing up: Gearshift knobs in POLYfill PP TOUCH!
Now Swedish compounder Polykemi AB increases the grip within exciting and technically demanding applications. This by presenting material alternatives within fields where previously for instance TPU´s have been considered as being the state of the art solution.

A new example is an international automotive OEM currently evaluating the usage of a newly developed member of the POLYfill PP TOUCH family called PP TOUCH 35025Q UV in a gearshift knob application as a replacement to the previously used material from the leading manufacturer of TPU materials.

In this specific application actually quite some facts speaks for the PP TOUCH: first of all the total cost of the end customer is lower, together with a weight reduction of appr 15%. Finally the material is also claimed to be easy to process during the injection moulding and does not require the same kind of pre-drying as TPU´s. 

Polykemi AB is gearing up: Gearshift knobs in POLYfill PP TOUCH!
   Picture 1: example of application - gearshift knob.

The Victorinox Hunter Pro knife - is now followed by other applications.

The Polykemi POLYfill TOUCH broke through when the Swiss premium knife manufacturer Victorinox decided to use the POLYfill PP TOUCH 44925 R3 in the handles of their hunter knife and sales success called Hunter Pro.

In this case it was the well known feature  “the soft touch feeling” making the TPU lacquering no longer to be needed.  Also properties like scratch & wear resistance as well as grip friendliness was & still is highly appreciated.


Author: Polykemi AB
  • Polykemi AB

    Polykemi AB

    Thermoplastic compounds, plastic compounds, thermoplastic elastomers, plastic granules, plastic compounds for automotive.
    Bronsgatan 8

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