MAGSY, s.r.o. introducing a Separator for Recycling Plastics, Cans, Wood, and Glass!

MAGSY, s.r.o. introducing a Separator for Recycling Plastics, Cans, Wood, and Glass!
The demands for sustainability and efficient ecological behaviour are becoming more and more frequent. This puts much more pressure on companies to make their production go as far as possible, hand in hand with these trends and requirements. Companies have no choice but to start looking at how best to meet these requirements and separate different materials at the lowest possible cost.

Eddy Current – Separator for Non-Magnetic Materials from a Czech Company!

The principle of the induction separator, or Eddy current separator, is a magnetic eddy current.

An eddy current is a helical electric current that forms in conductive metals, such as copper and steel. By moving the metal through a magnetic field, the currents formed create a separate magnetic field.

This is similar to any current passing through a conductor. This new magnetic field repels the original magnetic field.

The strongest point of the eddy current is at the surface of the conducting material and flows in small circles – hence the name ‘eddy current’!

The separator consists of a magnetic cylinder and a conveyor, into which the magnetic cylinder is inserted. The magnetic cylinder contains the strongest magnets known to date, neodymium magnets.

When the magnetic cylinder begins to rotate at high speed, it produces eddy currents that charge the non-magnetic metal particles with the same magnetic charge as the cylinder. This in turn results in the non-magnetic metals being “thrown” away from the magnetic cylinder. Thus, the non-metallic material naturally falls off the conveyor and the magnetic metals are forced behind the axis of the magnetic cylinder where they are released.

The Separation Principle and the Eddy Current that Separates

The Eddy current separator can immediately separate two types of materials, such as:

  • Non-magnetic metals (aluminium, copper, etc.)
  • Non-metallic materials (plastics, paper, wood, glass, etc.)

Eddy Current Video Demonstration:

Fields of Application

The most common place where magnetic separators can be found is in collection yards, mainly because this is where waste is sorted and then sent for recycling.

A collection yard is a place designated by a municipality for the collection of certain municipal waste components, but also, for example, hazardous waste. 

  • Recycling
  • Waste disposal
  • Electrical equipment disposal
  • Glass industry

How to Separate Magnetic Materials as well?

If there is a risk that ferromagnetic objects may be present in the separated material, it is necessary to install a special magnetic separator to prevent the appearance of metallic magnetic impurities. This separator (Eddy Current) does not serve to separate magnetic metals.

How Does the Magnetic Separator Work?

The magnetic separator is usually composed of a strong neodymium magnet whose primary purpose is to capture and sort out metallic magnetic impurities from the material.

The type of material is not important, the separator is capable of removing impurities from both liquid and dry material. The separator will ensure that you do the most to clean the material as needed.

Magnetic separators are divided into several types, namely manual, automatic, and also for what material, whether dry or liquid, they are intended.

Most of the time, however, the separator is custom-made to the customer’s requirements.

Four Basic Magnetic Separators Are Described Below

Liquid mix separators with manual cleaning

Magnetic separators are used to capture metallic magnetic impurities from liquid substances.

The separator is surrounded by powerful permanent magnets and, therefore, magnetic impurities will not be swept away by the liquid flow.

Cleaning it is also simple and safe, as you do not have to remove the magnetic cores from the stainless steel magnetic housings, so they will not be contaminated or damaged.

MAGSY - separátor, recyklácia plastov, magnetický separátor  

Liquid mix separators with automatic cleaning

These work on the same principle as the aforementioned separators, but cleaning is fully automated and no skilled human operator is needed. The separator handles everything completely by itself.

MAGSY - separator, plastic recycling, magnetic separator  


Dry mix separators with manual cleaning

These are magnetic separators that capture metal magnetic particles from bulk materials, such as sand.  Like the separators mentioned above, these are also equipped with very powerful permanent magnets based on rare earths, which guarantee the best result.

The magnetic separator includes extendable grids that achieve a magnetic induction of up to 14,000 G.

MAGSY - separator, plastic recycling, magnetic separator  


Dry mix separators with automatic cleaning

These magnetic separators work on the same principle as the aforementioned ones. The difference is in the fully automatic operation, which also includes cleaning.

MAGSY - separator, plastic recycling, magnetic separator  


Benefits of MAGSY Magnetic Separators

MAGSY has been in business for over 20 years and has branches all over Europe, as well as in Russia and the USA. Our huge advantage is our own production hall and qualified technological and service team. All these guarantee us and you the highest quality and professionalism to be found on the Czech market. We can create separators according to your requirements and ideas, and we will provide you not only with warranty but also post-warranty servicing throughout Europe. 

Author: MAGSY, s.r.o.

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