HNregióny: What are the chances of business in Trenčín
Podujatie sa uskutoční 11. novembra 2015 od 15.30h v konferenčných priestoroch hotela Elizabeth v Trenčíne.
Téma: Aké sú šance na podnikanie v Trenčianskom kraji.
Súčasťou podujatia je vyhlásenie víťazov rebríčka TOP 10 firiem regiónu.
V paneli vystúpia:
Vazil Hudák, minister hospodárstva SR
František Doležal, riaditeľ pre stredne veľké firmy UniCredit Bank
Patrik Ferko, riaditeľ na oddelení auditu Deloitte
15.00h - 15.30h prezencia hostí
16.00h - 16.30h odovzdávanie ocenení TOP 10 firiem regiónu
16.30h - 17.30h diskusia s hosťami
17.30h - raut
Diskusiu moderuje Marcela Šimková, šéfredaktorka Hospodárskych novín.
Účasť na podujatí je bezplatná. Pozvánka platí pre 2 osoby.
Svoju účasť prosíme potvrdiť do 9. 11. 2015, 12.00 hod.
Tel.: 02 / 48 238 206
Slovenská obchodná a priemyselná komora
SOPK - an independent representative of a market economy, which protects the interests of businesses, promotes the development and expansion of...
Slovnaft invested 63 million in the modernization and expansion of polypropylene production in Bratislava
10.3.2025 Slovnaft invested a total of EUR 63 million in the expansion and modernisation of polypropylene production at the Bratislava refinery. This is one of the most significant investments in the last almost 20 years. The comprehensive reconstruction of...
Sell: LDPE tubes - toothpaste Regrind 16 T
10.3.2025 | ID 19572 -
Buy: LDPE film in bales
10.3.2025 | ID 19571 -
Sell: PPE Xyron 644Z regrind
10.3.2025 | ID 19570 -
Sell: We offer PPO regrind
10.3.2025 | ID 19569 -
Sell: HDPE regrind
10.3.2025 | ID 19568 -
Sell: Offer PVC - H
10.3.2025 | ID 19567 -
Buy: LDPE film in bales
10.3.2025 | ID 19566 -
Sell: Offer PE - PP CaCO3 Filler Masterbatch. 25t
10.3.2025 | ID 19565
Buy: LDPE film in bales
10.3.2025 | ID 19571 -
Buy: LDPE film in bales
10.3.2025 | ID 19566 -
Buy: LDPE film in bales
10.3.2025 | ID 19563 -
Buy: LDPE film in bales
5.3.2025 | ID 19548 -
Buy: regrind PA 4.6 ex Stanyl TW 341 natur
20.2.2025 | ID 19492 -
Buy: PET transparent trays, only Central Europe
17.2.2025 | ID 19478 -
Buy: PET transparent trays, only Central Europe
10.2.2025 | ID 19448 -
Buy: Purchase from operations - Paper and cardboard packaging, foils
29.1.2025 | ID 19405
Sell: LDPE tubes - toothpaste Regrind 16 T
10.3.2025 | ID 19572 -
Sell: PPE Xyron 644Z regrind
10.3.2025 | ID 19570 -
Sell: We offer PPO regrind
10.3.2025 | ID 19569 -
Sell: HDPE regrind
10.3.2025 | ID 19568 -
Sell: Offer PVC - H
10.3.2025 | ID 19567 -
Sell: Offer PE - PP CaCO3 Filler Masterbatch. 25t
10.3.2025 | ID 19565 -
Sell: Moisture absorber (Desiccant) 25 t
10.3.2025 | ID 19564 -
Sell: PE foil in rolls
10.3.2025 | ID 19562
Reinforcement for LaserTherm sales department
26.2.2025 | ID 19506 -
External Sales Representative
24.2.2025 | ID 19496 -
Product Manager for spare parts in the industry
20.2.2025 | ID 19491 -
Salesman in the Field of Plastics Recycling (Regranulation) - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
23.1.2025 | ID 19380
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