Ecological Center offers CLP poster

CLP poster reflects the new labeling and classification of chemical substances and mixtures - CLP. Information on new hazard symbols (pictograms) should not be missed in any workplace / laboratory. GHS pictograms are shown in comparison with the symbols of the original legislation. Pictogram are assigned to the hazard statements, precautionary statements indications for the carriage ...

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Ekotoxikologické centrum Bratislava s.r.o.

Tomášikova 10/F

821 03  Bratislava, Slovenská republika

Tel/Fax.: +421 2 45943712 / 45945223

Pobočka Žilina, Alexandra Rudanaya 23, 010 01 Žilina

Tel.: 041/56 30 006


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Author: Ekotoxikologické centrum Bratislava s.r.o.

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