BOCO Pardubice is closer to customers thanks to the Showroom

BOCO Pardubice is closer to customers thanks to the Showroom
For the presentation of production, service quality improvement, development, improvement and testing self-produced extrusion lines, accessories and other peripherals in the form of a complete technological unit and to increase the level of communication and customer care, the company BOCO opened “SHOWROOM” of its production in the industrial zone TechnoPark in Staré Čívice, Pardubice, Czech Republic.

Showroom with its own laboratory and office space is located in the hall with total area of 1,500 square meters (near the hall there is also available free outdoor handling area and additional space with an area of 400 square meters), where you can see the spectrum of producing plastics extrusion lines.


BOCO Pardubice blíže k zákazníkům díky Showroomu

Demonstration devices

  • Regranulation lines (various types) for the production of polyolefin granules especially LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE and PP with granulating water circulating and underwater granulation system including strand granulation.

  • Compounding line for the production of accurate mixtures according to special recipes supplied or created according to the customer’s needs, on a demonstration compounding line we offer to the customer possibility of testing and actual processing of plastic materials with the option of adding up to five additional components using a gravimetric dosing hopper (additives, stabilizers, pigments, etc.), input plastic materials can be filled on the compounding line up to 70% by mineral fillers (mainly limestone).

  • And other devices for complex recycling of plastic waste materials with subsequent production of granulate with characteristics of post-consumer goods and industrial waste. There is also available storage hall of a total area of 1,000 square meters.
BOCO Pardubice is closer to customers thanks to the Showroom
BOCO Pardubice is closer to customers thanks to the Showroom
BOCO Pardubice is closer to customers thanks to the Showroom

The company BOCO by its connection of production of recycling technologies with direct management of these technologies in the form of “plastic recycling” wants as above mentioned actively contribute to environmental protection and to participate at the highest possible quality and efficient restoration of selected unnecessary plastic waste into subsequently sought feedstock for plastic production of a new various products. Quality recycled plastic material called “secondary” is in most cases fully comparable with the primary plastic material and the cost is significantly cheaper.

Author: BOCO PARDUBICE machines, s.r.o.

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