Plastic injection - free production capacity

03.04.2023 | Advertisement ID 15745

We would like to offer you free capacities of our injection molding plant.
The plastic molding plant has 13 injection molding machines with a closing force of 250 - 2000 kN, which are equipped with control systems EC 80 or EC 100 with the possibility of printing PT protocols.
The accessory of the injection molding machine is the Colortronic dyeing device.
The device is used for mixing the basic plastic material with dye and subsequent dosing (via a conveyor) into the injection molding machine.
Other accessories of injection molding machines are tempering devices Witmann, Regloplas 90, TOOL-TEMP (TT156E, TT157E) and cooling device TOOL-TEMP (TT9500, TT11000).
The complete production of plastic parts is ensured, from drawing documentation, through construction, production and testing of molds, production of samples to serial production of moldings with subsequent maintenance of molds.
Do not hesitate to contact us with a non-binding inquiry.



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