News by category Radiation crosslinking of plastic parts
BGS Launches New Website with Enhanced Features!
16.9.2024 | With a clean, modern design and improved content, BGS Beta-Gamma-Service, a specialist provider in the field of radiation sterilization and radiation... -
New laboratory and expanded logistics space put into operation at BGS
6.9.2024 | BGS Beta-Gamma-Service, leading service provider in the field of industrial applications of E-Beam and gamma radiation for radiation sterilization... -
BGS establishes staff position for technology management and reassigns head of application...
3.8.2023 | The BGS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co. KG has established a staff position for strategic technology management as of July 1st. The leadership will be... -
Advanced plastic processing through irradiation: Technical brochure about radiation crosslinking of...
19.7.2023 | Radiation crosslinking is an established process using high-energy electron beams and gamma rays to optimise the spectrum of properties of the most... -
Business field radiation crosslinking: BGS with mixed development
4.5.2023 | BGS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co. KG, a specialised service provider for plastics processing for the automotive and electrical industries, among... -
Did you miss the BGS Irradiation Service Days? All lectures and materials are available online!
7.10.2022 | Once again this year, the BGS Irradiation Service Days were a great success - we were pleased to have more than 220 participants at the live... -
The BGS ISD22 virtual trade fair continues today. Discuss with experts of radiation crosslinking...
29.9.2022 | BGS ISD22 continues today. Don’t miss a unique program full of lectures in the field of plastics radiation crosslinking. -
Today you can enjoy interesting online lectures about radiation sterilization of plastics on BGS...
28.9.2022 | BGS ISD22 starts today. Don’t miss a unique program full of lectures in the field of radiation sterilization. -
The virtual event of BGS ISD22 starts tomorrow. Don't miss the chance to learn more about radiation...
27.9.2022 | BGS ISD22 starts tomorrow. Don’t miss a unique program full of lectures in the field of plastics radiation crosslinking and plastics radiation... -
How to increase the heat resistance of plastics | BGS ISD22
23.9.2022 | The good thing about thermoplastics is that they can be plastically deformed when heated. The bad thing about thermoplastics is that they can... -
Plastics radiation crosslinking in critical infrastructure |BGS ISD22
21.9.2022 | Critical infrastructures and related products such as cables, wires, pipes, hoses and electrical safety components influence our lives every day....
Benefits of radiation crosslinking for automotive applications | BGS ISD22
19.9.2022 | Climate change on our planet is forcing developers to make innovative changes and processes in many different areas. The automotive industry is no... -
Despite shortage of raw materials: BGS on expansion course in the business area of radiation...
31.3.2022 | BGS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co. KG, specialised service provider in plastic processing for the automotive and electrical industry amongst other... -
BGS's virtual trade fair, Irradiation Service Days, starts on September 29
28.9.2021 | BGS Beta-Gamma-Service, specialised provider in the area of radiation crosslinking and radiation sterilization, is presenting a virtual trade fair... -
How to turn ordinary plastic into a highly durable HIGH TECH
12.2.2021 | How does radiation crosslinking work? Where can irradiated plastic components be used and what potential does radiation crosslinking have for... -
BGS webinar - Radiation crosslinking potential for the automotive industry
23.10.2020 | Radiation crosslinking is an established procedure for plastics processing. -
Technology with growth potential: BGS Beta-Gamma-Service once again named innovation champion
10.7.2020 | BGS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co. KG, the company specialised in radiation sterilization and radiation crosslinking, has made the leap to the top for... -
K Trade Fair 2019: BGS provides information about new applications for radiation cross-linked...
23.8.2019 | The developments in the mobility sector are increasingly placing more complex demands on plastics: The shift towards electrical drive technologies... -
The new mobility concept brings new opportunities for plastic components. Find out more
3.5.2019 | Mobility passes revolutionary changes. Do not miss these changes and discover what new opportunities radiation crosslinking of plastic components... -
BGS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co KG brings you an overview of the radiation process
23.1.2019 | BGS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co. KG is the pioneer in the radiation technique. Now, for the first time in their history, it offers you, a unique... -
Do you know the process of radiation crosslinking in the company BGS?
18.4.2017 | This method greatly improves the properties of plastics. See the new video on radiation crosslinking from company BGS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co.... -
We improve the abrasion resistance of plastics - BGS - Your specialist in radiation crosslinking
23.5.2012 | Plastic products must now meet higher requirements. In particular, standard plastics reach very quickly their temperature limits odolnosti.Cenovo...
From plastic to highly durable materials
31.12.2011 | Plasty sú ľahké - a majú obrovský potenciál, najmä ak ide o konštrukcie kladúce dôraz na kombináciu nízkej hmotnosti, dobrých...