Plastics radiation crosslinking in critical infrastructure |BGS ISD22
In this presentation, Dr. Michal Daněk and Peter Jorsal will talk about the importance and added value of radiation crosslinking for the safe operation of critical infrastructure. One large and important product group that particularly benefits from radiation crosslinking and which will be looked at in more detail is shrink profiles. Casing joints contribute significantly to the safe and reliable operation of district heating and cooling systems. Peter Jorsal from Kingspan, explains all the advantages that result for customers and installers.
The lecture will take place on September 29, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Free registration is online.
BGS Beta-Gamma-Service extends an invitation to the BGS Irradiation Service Days for the second time in a row. The 28 September is about the use of electrons and gamma rays for sterilization of medical devices. On 29 September, experts from science, research and industry will discuss new technologies and findings in plastics technology as well as the potential of radiation crosslinking.
See program and make the registration on BGS Irradiation Service Days 2022.
BGS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co. KG.
Industrial irradiation, processes of optimization of plastic products, radiation crosslinking of plastic products, radiation sterilization, beta and...
Improved flame retardancy through radiation crosslinking of bioplastics
22.1.2025 Treatment with high-energy electron beams improves the mechanical, thermal and chemical properties of plastics. Studies show that bio-based plastics such as biopolyamides can also be radiation crosslinked. In a joint project, the Fraunhofer...