Ivo retrofits s.r.o.

Company Description
Ivo retrofits s.r.o. is engaged in the renovation, reconstruction and service of injection and compression moulding machines.
Thanks to our independence and flexibility, we offer a wide range of services - from repairs, replacements of control systems, peripheries and sensors to complete reconstructions of used injection molding machines.
We provide also Keba control service, Keba application development and user interface programming. We replace and install new control system on all types of injection molding machines.
Range of products / Services
We use Austrian systems Keba (www.keba.com). In cooperation with Keba AG and our customers, we have developed control system with application and user interface designed for all types of injection molding machines. Our control has already been used on hundreds machines of several brands and types and is thoroughly tested in the automotive industry.
Togehter with customers we always try to find the most cost effective solution before the exchange. This is possible mainly due to the independence of the machines manufacturer, which gives us sufficient flexibility and place for adjustemens.
We certainly pay attention to maintaining CE certificates.
We adjust application depends on the customer requirements or we implement completely new application which answer all customer expectations.
The machine can be also bought directly with the intention of new application implementation. This can compensate the main disadvantage of the low-cost machines.
Such adjusted machines can be used also for the complex production in automotive after.
Typical adjustements:
• integration of additional hotrunners and heating blocks
• interfaces for cores, robots, hoppers, driers, transmission belts, ...
• machines optimisation, settings, calibration and recommisioning
• connection to network, process data collections and analysis (offline and online MES systems)
• integration of valve gates
• servo valves regulation
• special equipments - infrasensors, cavity pressure sensors, dosers - Masterbatch feeding, ...
• free programmable machine sequencer
Hydraulic injection molding machines service and renovation »
Renovation of compression molding machines is an integral part of our activities »
We repair Keba controllers, panels, cards and generally all Keba components
We have full store of Keba components and spare parts immediately available for delivery all over the world!
Other services: http://www.ivoretrofits.com/cz/servis-renovace-vstrikovacich-lisu
• Keba applications programming fulfilled customer requirements
• Installation of control systems Keba
• Replacement of wiring and sensors
• Repairs and renovations of cabinets
• Repairs of Keba components
• Diagnostics and repairs of hydraulic systems
• Installation of brand new distributions, replacement of damaged hoses
• Complete resealing
• Design and installation of servo pumps
• Machines commissioning on site
• Online and offline process data measurement and production data collection
• Documentations and manuals
• Training
• Long-term customer service and support
Others Categories, where company is listed (13)
- 1. Automotive Industry - suppliers
- 2. Building & Construction
- 3. Electronics & Electrical
- 4. Engineering industry
- 5. Injection moulding machines, sale and service
- 6. Machinery & Equipment
- 7. Maintenance of tools and machinery
- 8. Measuring and laboratory instruments
- 9. Plastic processing machines
- 10. Renovations machines
- 11. Service and repair of machinery
- 12. Service of machinery and equipment
- 13. Service, repair spare parts, upgrade