AKRO-PLASTIC appoints IMCD as its official distributor in Europe for all AKRO-PLASTIC compounds

AKRO-PLASTIC appoints IMCD as its official distributor in Europe for all AKRO-PLASTIC compounds
AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH announces that it has selected IMCD Group, a leading distributor of speciality chemicals and ingredients, as its new distribution partner in Europe.

The distribution agreement covers all European countries (except for Germany, Turkey, and the Nordic region.)

  • Distribution agreement to take effect on July 1st, 2022
  • New agreement applies to all AKRO-PLASTIC compounds known under the trade names AKROMID®, AKROLOY®, PRECITE®, AKROTEK® and AKROLEN®

Besides strengthening AKRO-PLASTIC and IMCD efforts to offer excellent products and inspiring solutions, this agreement opens new and advanced possibilities to the engineering plastics customers of both companies across Europe. IMCD has a strong presence and long history in the plastics industry, and its broad polymers’ portfolio will complement AKRO-PLASTIC’s offering.

“We selected IMCD from a broad field of potential distributors following an extensive screening process. With IMCD we have a strong partner who, in addition to a well-established distribution network, has a dedicated technical minded sales team, to promote our high-quality compounds. This makes them the perfect choice for us,” says Thilo Stier, Global Sales Director & Innovation Manager, AKRO-PLASTIC.

IMCD Czech republic - cooperation with AKRO-PLASTIC  

“Plastics converter is a key segment for our growth strategy in EMEA as we see an increasing demand in highly specialised engineering compounds. Our customers are not only looking for materials with desired functional properties, but that are sustainable as well,” comments Olivier Champault, Director of IMCD Business Group Advanced Materials. “AKRO-PLASTIC’s innovative, application-oriented and sustainable engineering thermoplastics strengthen our product offering. We will tap into AKRO-PLASTIC’s over 30 years of experience in plastics compounding, to bring our service to the next level and support our customers in its material and application development,” Champault adds.

Author: IMCD Group

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