News - page 62
Daily news from plastic industry, plastics processing, packaging, plastics and machinery.
Trendy v plastikárskom priemysle 2 - pozvánka a prihlška na seminár
- 22.11.2012
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Slovenský plastikársky klaster pozýva na odborný seminár z cyklu „Trendy v plastikárskom priemysle 2“. Dátum: 28.11.2012, miesto: Hotel Alfa Nová...
Společnost Stratasys získala ocenění CAXMIX INOVACE 2012
- 21.11.2012
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Redakce odborného magazínu CAXMIX ocenila nejzajímavější produkty a služby z nabídky dodavatelů softwaru a digitálních zařízení pro podporu výroby v České republice. Společnost Stratasys získala cenu CAXMIX INOVACE 2012 za dostupnou 3D tiskárnu Mojo. Od května tohoto roku je tiskárna Mojo v...
JAN SVOBODA s.r.o. - Datumovky - akce ke konci roku 2012
- 20.11.2012
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Jako každý rok, naše firma pořádá ve spolupráci s firmou Marquardd G.m.b.H akci na náhradní středy datumovek do standardních datumovek, včetně převodních...
Europe surpasses plastic recycling goals
- 16.11.2012
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European countries recycled 33.6% of all its plastics packaging waste in 2011, surpassing the EU’s minimum requirement of 22.5%, according to a new...
6th CZECH AND SLOVAK Packaging Congress
- 14.11.2012
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Date - 28.11.2012 in congress venues Aquapalace Hotel...
Unipetrol chce v Litvínově obměnit výrobu polyetylénu
- 12.11.2012
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Litvínovská chemička Unipetrol RPA připravuje stavbu nové jednotky na výrobu polyetylénu. Měla by zvýšit kapacitu provozu ze současných 320.000 tun na 500.000 tun ročně. Vyplývá to z žádosti o posouzení vlivu stavby na životní prostředí EIA, kterou firma podala. Unipetrol nyní provozuje dvě podobné...
Debut šedého EPS - Synthos S.A.
- 09.11.2012
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V III. čtvtletí roku 2012 Synthos S.A.začal zavádět na trh moderní výrobek s názvem InVento, nové varianty EPS se sníženým koeficientem...
- 08.11.2012
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Japan's Mitutoyo is a manufacturer of instruments for measurement of geometrical quantities. The complete range includes workshop gauges, CMM, optical instruments and...
40. medzinárodná konferencia ZVÁRANIE 2012 - pozvánka, prihláška
- 06.11.2012
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Slovenská zváračská spoločnosť Vás pozýva na jubilejnú 40. medzinárodnú konferenciu ZVÁRANIE 2012, ktorá sa bude konať v termíne: 07. až 09. novembra 2012. Miesto konania: hotel SOREA Urán, Tatranská Lomnica,...
In Snina want to build a company for recycling plastics
- 06.11.2012
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Ministry of Environment informed the city Snina the intention of the company J & M Consulting, which wants the Snina Pčolinným build a recycling center for waste recycling of...
Provoz nových veletržních hal v areálu PVA EXPO PRAHA byl zahájen
- 02.11.2012
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Dvě haly o celkové ploše 8 200 m2 jsou nyní nejmodernějšími veletržními prostory...
Customer information Nordmann, Rassmann Czech Republic sro
- 31.10.2012
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Dear customers, due to our company's transition to SAP information system, it will be possible to issue the goods from our warehouse to 12/17/2012...
MOL Group is among the world’s largest energy companies
- 29.10.2012
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MOL moved forward 40 places on the Platts Top 250 Global Energy Company Rankings list in one...
TRUMPF Slovakia, sro - Invitation to the exhibition EuroBLECH 2012
- 25.10.2012
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You are welcome to visit the exhibition EuroBLECH 2012, to be held in Hannover (Germany) in the period from 23.10 -...
Hotseat SK sro company invites you to Thermography road show 2012
- 24.10.2012
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Are you interested in acquiring new knowledge, refresh the basics and learn new developments in the field of...
Lego is expanding in the Czech Republic.
- 22.10.2012
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A thriving global toy manufacturer Lego Group, announced a major expansion of its plant in Kladno. The spread of this plant has been a major producer of construction kits already twice since 2010. Work on the new project will begin in December and increased operations by a further 14 200 m2 to be...
Unipetrol after again Fakuma
- 19.10.2012
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Like last year, this year Unipetrol will present their products at an international trade fair for plastics processing FAKUMA in Friedrichshafen, Germany. Among the various types of plastics and LITEN MOSTEN traders introduce such products subsidiary Polymer Institute Brno, as well as other...
How to be successful at the Fair - Seminar
- 18.10.2012
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Participation in the fair is the most effective means of promoting exports and growth of your company. Can you use that...
The "Modern Waste with Nature Pack" started.
- 17.10.2012
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In early October, the Education Centre Zaježová held a training course for teachers "Modern Waste with Nature-pack", where they were introduced at the same time you have the opportunity to test the software for multimedia courseware designed for waste...
Osviežujúca cesta do Norimbergu na Brau Beviale 2012
- 16.10.2012
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Od 13. do 15. novembra 2012 zažijete na Brau Beviale v Norimbergu osviežujúci a profesionálny MIX európskeho nápojového hospodárstva s pestrou ponukou, ako nápojový lístok v dobrom koktailovom...
Vláda SR schválila novelu zákona o odpadoch
- 12.10.2012
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Novela má zabezpečiť zapracovanie európskej smernice o odpadoch do domácej legislatívy, lebo za doterajšie nesplnenie tejto podmienky Slovensku hrozí...
Bags with a Christmas motif, from Granitol as
- 11.10.2012
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Christmas time is coming, so we'd like to offer you bags with a Christmas...
User seminar organized by Gabriel Plastics Ltd.
- 10.10.2012
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will be held on 25th October 2012, the training center companies in MCAE...
Společnost ARBURG na veletrhu Fakuma 2012
- 10.10.2012
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Společnost ARBURG se zúčastní mezinárodního odborného veletrhu Fakuma, který proběhne ve dnech 16. až 20. října 2012 ve...
KURZ at Fakuma in Friedrichshafen, 16 - 20 October 2012
- 08.10.2012
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Design and function - experience the application of functional surface coatings at...
Professional conference on digital prototyping and 3D printing
- 04.10.2012
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On 9 October 2012 is one of the most modern conference hotels in the Czech Republic, Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, held an international scientific conference focusing on the widespread use of 3D printing technology. Leading marketing partners of the event include the MCAE...
Magnum Optimum ® - Obal roku 2012
- 02.10.2012
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Spoločnosť Schoeller Arca Systems s.r.o. uviedla minulý rok na trh NOVINKU - skladací plastový paletový kontajner MAGNUM OPTIMUM. V tomto roku získal tento produkt ocenenie v súťaži Obal roku...
IDES Prospector – celosvetová databáza plastov na stránkach®
- 01.10.2012
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Spracovávate plasty alebo ich dodávate? Vám uľahčí prístup k celosvetovej databáze plastov IDES...
Latest Classifieds
For Sale: Regranulates PP, PA, PBT - 175 tonnes
15.11.2024 | ID: 202420074
Top AdvertFor Sale: PVC window regrind, white, light gray, mix
18.12.2024 | ID: 202420236
For Sale: Plastic regrind and regranulates.
18.12.2024 | ID: 202420235
For Sale: 2x press SEM P12-12 II
18.12.2024 | ID: 202420234
For Sale: BAYBLEND FR3010 IF red
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420232
For Sale: Granules ABS, PA6,PP
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420231
To purchase: Fumigated pallets 120*80
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420230
To purchase: Fumigated pallets 120*80
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420230
To purchase: PA 6/66 GF 30 regrind
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420229
To purchase: Plastic scrap from production
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420222
To purchase: LDPE film in bales
09.12.2024 | ID: 202420201
To purchase: Wanted: PE-PP dirty granulates from ground
09.12.2024 | ID: 202420194
To purchase: Plastic scrap from production
09.12.2024 | ID: 202420190
To purchase: PA 6/66 GF 30 regrind
09.12.2024 | ID: 202420183
For Sale: Regranulates PP, PA, PBT - 175 tonnes
15.11.2024 | ID: 202420074
Top AdvertFor Sale: PVC window regrind, white, light gray, mix
18.12.2024 | ID: 202420236
For Sale: Plastic regrind and regranulates.
18.12.2024 | ID: 202420235
For Sale: 2x press SEM P12-12 II
18.12.2024 | ID: 202420234
For Sale: BAYBLEND FR3010 IF red
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420232
For Sale: Granules ABS, PA6,PP
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420231
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420228
Upcoming Events
07.01.2025 - 09.01.2025 | Düsseldorf
World Future Energy Summit 2025
14.01.2025 - 16.01.2025 | Abu Dhabi
22.01.2025 - 23.01.2025 | Paríž
22.01.2025 - 24.01.2025 | Tokyo
04.02.2025 - 06.02.2025 | Anaheim
04.02.2025 - 06.02.2025 | Varšava
11.02.2025 - 13.02.2025 | Monterrey
International Plastic Industry IPF 2025
12.02.2025 - 01.01.1970 | Dhaka
18.02.2025 - 19.02.2025 | Nuremberg
World Future Energy Summit 2025
Polykemi invites you to Materialsmart webinar for Czech Republic and Slovakia
ING 4.0 training programme for digital skills development: Robotics and Advanced Robotics
ING 4.0 training programme for digital skills development: Logistics systems and automated logistics
Job offers
Assistant - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
Warehouse worker - forklift experience required. ENVI-RECYCLING PLAST, s. r. o.
Business - technical representative of professional tools - the whole SR - ant s.r.o.
Obchodno-technický zástupca spoločnosti LIFOCOLOR, s.r.o.
Commercial - technical representative, western Slovakia - Wermaly s.r.o.
Production operator - inspection of plastic products - ESOX-PLAST s.r.o.
Logistics dispatcher for plastic moldings - JASPLASTIK-SK spol. s.r.o.
Sorter - adjuster of injection moldings - Plasted spol.s r.o.
Adjuster - AIS Automotive Interior Systems Slovakia s.r.o.