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  • The MSV 2017 in Brno is in full swing, you will see a lot of news

The MSV 2017 in Brno is in full swing, you will see a lot of news

  • 11.10.2017

Exhibit news can be seen on MSV by Friday.

Přes 1 600 vystavovatelů z 32 zemí uvidí všichni, kteří projdou branami brněnského výstaviště. 59. Mezinárodní strojírenský veletrh začal v pondělí. Návštěvníci se mohou těšit na novinky v automatizaci i ukázky práce robotů.

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  • autor:
  • Veletrhy Brno, a.s.
  • Veletrhy Brno, a. s.

    Veletrhy Brno, a. s.

    Trade Fairs Brno, the most important trade fair management in Central Europe. Their main activity is organizing fairs and exhibitions. Other activities include the construction of exhibition stands, hire all the premises of the Brno Exhibition Centre, the organization supporting programs for fairs and providing all services related to the implementation of trade fairs.


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