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  • The company DATRIA s.r.o. invites you to the International Engineering Fair in Brno

The company DATRIA s.r.o. invites you to the International Engineering Fair in Brno

The company DATRIA s.r.o. is a Czech manufacturing and trading company, drawing on more than 20 years of experience in the plastic and rubber industry. The production division of the company focuses on the development and production of specialized technologies according to specific customer requirements.

Srdečne Vás pozývame na Medzinárodný strojársky veľtrh v Brne. Bude sa konať v dňoch 10.-13.10. 2023. Navštívte tiež náš stánok 065 v hale G1.

Tešíme sa na Vašu návštevu.

Tím DATRIA s.r.o. 

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  • DATRIA s.r.o.
  • DATRIA s.r.o.

    DATRIA s.r.o.

    Extrusion lines, extruders, MIKROSAN regranulation lines, HAYEUR screws and chambers, POLIMER TECHNICS compounding lines, ENMA crushers and regranulators.


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