Others Categories, where company is listed (25)
- 1. 3D digitizing, 3D measurement
- 2. Automotive Industry - suppliers
- 3. Cleaning and protection of plastic molds
- 4. Constructions, production of moulds and tools
- 5. Design and construction of injection molds
- 6. Electronics & Electrical
- 7. Engineering and design services
- 8. Engineering industry
- 9. Equipment for maintenance and testing plastic mol
- 10. Finishing operation
- 11. Injection Molding Analysis
- 12. Injection moulding
- 13. Installation, process control products
- 14. Low volume manufacturing of plastics items
- 15. Maintenance of tools and machinery
- 16. Moulds for pressing of Thermosets
- 17. Optimization of injection molding process
- 18. Plastic Moulding
- 19. Plastic moulds, Injection moulds
- 20. Pre-assembly, final assembly
- 21. Prototyping, simulation, analysis
- 22. Service, repair spare parts, upgrade
- 23. Special purpose machinery
- 24. Technical Plastic Parts, moulding products
- 25. Tool-manufacturing tools