PS Polystyrene - sale - Business Directory

Find your supplier or partner in the largest Business Directory (600+ companies) for plastics and rubber in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Companies listed in category PS Polystyrene - sale.

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  • Biesterfeld Interowa GmbH&Co KG

    Biesterfeld Interowa GmbH&Co KG

    Plastic granulate, PP polypropylene, construction plastics, thermoplastics, engineering plastics, standard plastics, plastics for demanding...

    Top company
  • Polykemi AB

    Polykemi AB

    Thermoplastic compounds, plastic compounds, thermoplastic elastomers, plastic granules, plastic compounds for automotive.

    Top company

  • Avient Corporation

    Avient Corporation

    Polymeric materials, structural thermoplastics, thermoplastic elastomers TPE, color concentrates, masterbatches for plastics, flame retardants.

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