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  • Projekt „Improvement of Vocational Education in Field of Injection Moudling“

Projekt „Improvement of Vocational Education in Field of Injection Moudling“

  • 14.12.2010

The project is supported by program Leonardo da Vinci under the number LLP-LdV-TOI-2009-SK-93100534.

A-OMEGA, ltd. as the project leader in cooperation with partners from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, and France entered the last phase of project realisation under the title „Improvement of vocational education in field of injection moulding - EDMOULD“. Testing of educational product, which forms its essential part, was terminated in November 5th, 2010. Together 61 participants from 15 plastic companies from the whole Slovak Republic attended the testing. The participants of educational program (educational curriculum, real schooling, E-learning program) provided detailed feedback of the products. This feedback was evaluated by specialised lectors and relevant comments were also implemented into educational program. At the present time, the “Manual” to educational program is being tested through electronic access within the project web page. Mentioned project ends in March 2011, but also in current phase some organisations and institutions from Czech Republic, Hungary and Turkey expressed interest in project outputs as „Vocational education of Setupers of injection moulding machines“.
  • autor:
  • A-OMEGA, s.r.o.

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