Wanted: Packaging materials - BOXES, PALLETS, BIG BAGS

  • 09.11.2023
  • ID Inzerátu: 202318073

If you have a large quantity of packaging materials of reasonable quality, we will be happy to arrange their purchase with you. For the boxes, we would need to know the quality of the cardboard (3VL or 5VL). For bags, type of design (filler and discharge valve, previous material transported, number of straps).

In order to process the price offer for the purchase, it is important for us to know where we would go for the goods. If you were to transport the goods to our warehouse in Velká Bystřice (boxes) or to the warehouse in Valašské Meziříčí (big bags and pallets), we will take this information into account in the purchase price we offer you.

ContactZABAG, s.r.o.
Radovan Žákovský
E-Mail: radovan.zakovsky@seznam.cz
Tel.: +420 720 557 797

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