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For Sale: Plastics Paint Shop - demand for a strategic partner or sale of the whole company

Plastics Paint Shop - demand for a strategic partner or sale of the whole company
  • 16.09.2024
  • ID Inzerátu: 202419793

For sale:

Plastics Paint Shop - demand for a strategic partner or sale of the whole company - reduced price

Price: from 280 000 € / Agreed
Subject of the offer: Search for a strategic partner or sale of the company
Subject of business: Industry and manufacturing
Reason for sale: Unused capacity of the production line
Number of employees: 8
Asset: 1000000 €
Turnover: 500000 €
More information here
Contact person. 0918501200, Mail: fabry@gefa.sk

Contact:Pavol STANO
E-Mail: pstano11@gmail.com
Tel.: +421 905 605 185

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