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  • Poland's Azoty starts work on new PA6 plant

Poland's Azoty starts work on new PA6 plant

  • 23.01.2015

Polish chemicals group Grupa Azoty has taken another step in its plan to establish a new polyamide 6 plant when it signed up German engineering firm Uhde Inventa-Fischer to equip the project.

“The project is important both in terms of its scale and strategic implications for Grupa Azoty. Its primary effect will be to extend the product chain and increase out output of engineering plastics that deliver better margins,” commented group president Pawel Jarczewski. 
The Tarnów project, located in the Kraków Special Economic Zone, will provide greater job security and improved working conditions for Azoty’s workers involved in the production of the polyamide intermediate caprolactam. In addition, the investment will open the way to new local plastics processing plants using the extra capacity for finished products, he added.
Grupa Azoty, Europe’s fifth ranked PA6 producer, has caprolactam capacity of around 170,000 tpa and its plastics division products include polyoxymethylene (POM), polyamide 6.6, polypropylene and PBT.

  • autor:
  • EPN

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