GPL Europlastics spol. s r.o.

Zahradní 1299, 751 31 Lipník nad Bečvou    Show on Map

telephone:+420 602 754 656

NIP: 293 94 236

Sklad + kancelárie
GPL Europlastics spol. s r.o.    Show on Map
ul. Drážní 138/2
Přerov 750 02
telephone: 00420 602 754 656
fax: 00420 581 204 050

Company Description

Purchase and sale of plastic materials - granules, granulates and debris. We operate in this area for several years.

Range of products / Services

1.  Plastic granulates

  • original granulates PP, LDPE, HDPE, PVC

2.  Plastic regranulates, regrind / flakes

  • regranulates – PP, LDPE, HDPE
  • plastic regrind / flakes – PP, LDPE, HDPE, PVC, PC, ABS, PC/ABS,PA 6,PA 66,PA GF and others

3. Thermoplastic elastomers

  • original granulates – TPE-S , TPE-V / colour: natural, black /
  • regranulates – TPE, TPE-V  / colour: black /
  • regrind TPE, TPE-V,TPE-S,TPU

4.  PET

  • PET granulate, PET – regrind / flakes
  • A-PET, PET -G regrind / flakes

5.  Graphite for plastics

  • graphite flakes
  • graphite powder

Our offer »

We repurchase:

  • Residual plastic raw materials from plastic production – plastic crumb, plastic granulate and regranulate
  • Surplus and unused plastic granulate and regranulate


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