Optimization of the injection process (24 hours), Module 5, accredited training
The module is aimed at the acquisition of knowledge in the identification of defects moldings, acquiring skills in their correct for molded products. The module includes a practical analysis of the most common defects moldings, their causes and their removal. Participants are familiar with special techniques such as injection molding. cascade, compression, multi-component injection molding etc.
Toto odborné vzdelávanie realizujeme v spolupráci so spoločnosťou MAPRO
SLOVAKIA , s.r.o v Tréningovom centre v Orovnici (v blízkosti Novej Bane).
- cena 305 €/osoba/den, termín 11.03.2013 - 13.03.2013
Pre bližšie podmienky nás kontaktujte.
Oľga Balážová
A – OMEGA s.r.o.
IČO : 35937599, DIČ DPH : SK2022010716
sídlo: Agátová 5525/9, 901 01 Malacky
kancelária : Radlinského 2751, 901 01 Malacky
tel.: / fax: 034 / 772 23 36
0911 221 795, 0905 303 291
skype: aomega13