New car registrations are growing, Tesla is the second best-selling car in Europe
Podľa údajov spoločnosti JATO Dynamics na 26 európskych trhoch bolo minulý mesiac zaregistrovaných 1 268 683 nových osobných automobilov - čo je nárast o 13% v porovnaní s júnom 2020. Napriek tomuto nárastu sa miera obnovy trhu výrazne spomalila v porovnaní s rastom zaznamenaným od marca do máj tohto roku.
Since the beginning of the year, the European new car market has rebounded well, however the ongoing impact of the pandemic continues to impinge on sales momentum. The almost 1.27 million units registered in June, still lags behind the 1.47 million units registered in 2019, and the 1.6 million units registered in 2018.
Low emissions cars (BEV and PHEV) continued to perform well, recording a new record total market share of 18.5% – up from 8.2% in June 2020.
In the model rankings, the Volkswagen Golf was the most popular new car amongst consumers with 27,247 units, equating to a 2.15% market share. Despite the increase of 12% from June 2020, volume fell by 27% when compared with June 2019 – when its market share was at 2.52%. The Golf was followed by the Tesla Model 3, which registered 25,697 units taking the year-to-date total to 66,350 units, making it the most popular electric vehicle in Europe, and the 25th best-selling model in the general rankings through to June. The Model 3 was the top-seller in Austria, Norway, Switzerland and the UK, and hit the top 10 in Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg and Sweden.
Other models that posted notable growth compared to June 2019 were the Fiat 500, Toyota Yaris, Volkswagen T-Roc, Peugeot 2008, Volkswagen T-Cross, Hyundai Tucson, Audi A3, Toyota C-HR, Hyundai Kona, BMW 3-Series and Volvo XC40.
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