Methodology training employees in production (16 hours) Module 8, accredited training
In this module, the participant receives skills to impart knowledge and practical experience mostly new employees who work in setting up and operating machines and robots. In addition, r nnastavovačov injection molding, this module is also suitable for those in companies carry činnostitechnických coaches or executives at the lowest level of management.
Optimálny počet účastníkov v skupine je 8-10., termíny podľa záujmu
Pre bližšie podmienky nás kontaktujte.
Oľga Balážová
A – OMEGA s.r.o.
IČO : 35937599, DIČ DPH : SK2022010716
sídlo: Agátová 5525/9, 901 01 Malacky
kancelária : Radlinského 2751, 901 01 Malacky
tel.: / fax: 034 / 772 23 36
0911 221 795, 0905 303 291
skype: aomega13