Latest News - page 5
Latest News
CORRECTION ECHA updates the entry into force of amendments to Annex I of the PIC
- 02.05.2014
ECHA e-News 30.04.2014 disclosures announced that "the Commission revise the list of chemicals subject to export notification (Annex I) as of the PIC on 21 February 2014. Amendment covers the period from 1 May 2014. "The announcement was unintentionally...
Limitations chromium VI compounds in products of leather
- 02.05.2014
Commission Regulation 301/2014, amending Annex XVII of REACH with regard to chromium VI...
Limitations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in plastic and rubber articles
- 30.04.2014
Commission Regulation 1272/2013, amending Annex XVII of REACH as regards polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...
The Appeal Committee - Subject: Decision of the Appeal Board shall examine the requirements for the identity of the substance UVCB substance
- 09.04.2014
Helsinki, 04.09.2014 - In the case of A-001-2013 the complainant requested the annulment of the decision of ECHA, which requires the submission of further information on substance...
RAC a SEAC sa dohodli na nových stanoviskách pre obmedzenia a povolenia
- 24.03.2014
Výbor ECHA pre sociálno-ekonomickú analýzu ( SEAC ) prijal stanovisko k návrhu na obmedzenie olova v spotrebiteľských výrobkoch predložené Švédskom . SEAC a Výbor pre hodnotenie rizík ( RAC ) sa dohodli na niekoľkých návrhoch stanovísk k žiadostiam o povolenie ftalátov...
Materials and articles of plastics intended to come into contact with foodstuffs
- 05.03.2014
The EU's Official Journal (OJ L 62, 4.3.2014) was published Commission Regulation (EU) No. 202/2014 of 3 March 2014 amending Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 on materials and articles of plastics intended to come into contact with...
Invitation to submit comments and evidence for possible restriction of microplastics
- 01.01.1970
The European Chemicals Agency website (ECHA) is invited to submit comments and evidence for possible restrictions on microplastics intentionally added to different products. Comments and evidence may be submitted by 11 May...
Latest Classifieds
For Sale: Regranulates PP, PA, PBT - 175 tonnes
15.11.2024 | ID: 202420074
Top AdvertFor Sale: PVC window regrind, white, light gray, mix
18.12.2024 | ID: 202420236
For Sale: Plastic regrind and regranulates.
18.12.2024 | ID: 202420235
For Sale: 2x press SEM P12-12 II
18.12.2024 | ID: 202420234
For Sale: BAYBLEND FR3010 IF red
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420232
For Sale: Granules ABS, PA6,PP
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420231
To purchase: Fumigated pallets 120*80
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420230
To purchase: PA 6/66 GF 30 regrind
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420229
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420228
To purchase: Fumigated pallets 120*80
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420230
To purchase: PA 6/66 GF 30 regrind
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420229
To purchase: Plastic scrap from production
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420222
To purchase: LDPE film in bales
09.12.2024 | ID: 202420201
To purchase: Wanted: PE-PP dirty granulates from ground
09.12.2024 | ID: 202420194
To purchase: Plastic scrap from production
09.12.2024 | ID: 202420190
To purchase: PA 6/66 GF 30 regrind
09.12.2024 | ID: 202420183
To purchase: DRYFLEX granulate
02.12.2024 | ID: 202420165
To purchase: PA 6/66 GF 30 regrind
02.12.2024 | ID: 202420164
For Sale: Regranulates PP, PA, PBT - 175 tonnes
15.11.2024 | ID: 202420074
Top AdvertFor Sale: PVC window regrind, white, light gray, mix
18.12.2024 | ID: 202420236
For Sale: Plastic regrind and regranulates.
18.12.2024 | ID: 202420235
For Sale: 2x press SEM P12-12 II
18.12.2024 | ID: 202420234
For Sale: BAYBLEND FR3010 IF red
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420232
For Sale: Granules ABS, PA6,PP
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420231
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420228
For Sale: HDPE regranulate - natur/white
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420227
For Sale: HDPE regranulate - natural
16.12.2024 | ID: 202420226
Upcoming Events
07.01.2025 - 09.01.2025 | Düsseldorf
World Future Energy Summit 2025
14.01.2025 - 16.01.2025 | Abu Dhabi
22.01.2025 - 23.01.2025 | Paríž
22.01.2025 - 24.01.2025 | Tokyo
04.02.2025 - 06.02.2025 | Anaheim
04.02.2025 - 06.02.2025 | Varšava
11.02.2025 - 13.02.2025 | Monterrey
International Plastic Industry IPF 2025
12.02.2025 - 01.01.1970 | Dhaka
18.02.2025 - 19.02.2025 | Nuremberg
World Future Energy Summit 2025
Polykemi invites you to Materialsmart webinar for Czech Republic and Slovakia
ING 4.0 training programme for digital skills development: Robotics and Advanced Robotics
ING 4.0 training programme for digital skills development: Logistics systems and automated logistics
Job offers
Assistant - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
Warehouse worker - forklift experience required. ENVI-RECYCLING PLAST, s. r. o.
Business - technical representative of professional tools - the whole SR - ant s.r.o.
Obchodno-technický zástupca spoločnosti LIFOCOLOR, s.r.o.
Commercial - technical representative, western Slovakia - Wermaly s.r.o.
Production operator - inspection of plastic products - ESOX-PLAST s.r.o.
Logistics dispatcher for plastic moldings - JASPLASTIK-SK spol. s.r.o.
Sorter - adjuster of injection moldings - Plasted spol.s r.o.
Adjuster - AIS Automotive Interior Systems Slovakia s.r.o.